Chapter Seven

a glare his too which he just smirks shrugging his shoulders casually.

”Yeah mother immediately made sure he was sent too an adoption centre and father made a rule that cats were banned from the castle grounds ” he responds sipping onto his latté.

”Well thats intense ” I say as I stare at particularly nothing.

”So what about you got any bad injury stories to share? ”

”Um lets see (begins to tap chin very thoughtfully) oh um I was 7 years old and my dad was teaching me how to ride my bicycle without training wheels so we were up this big hill and just as we were about to go down with him holding the back to help give me balance and he got a phone call it was really important so he answered it and by mistake let go and I went tumbling down, i tried to hit the brakes but my legs couldn respond and I ended up hitting into a thorn patch I was hospitalized for three whole months ” I ended the story with a bitter chuckle knowing that my story was half true.

”Oh well that made my story sound very small compared to yours ”

”I mean I am pretty tough ” I confidently state as I pretend to wipe of some imaginary dirt on my shoulder.Which we both begin to laugh in amusement.

”Oh I am completely aware of that ” he answers with a small smile on his face.


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