Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 367: The Morning After

After returning home from a long and fierce debate over legalizing polygamy, Berengar was excited beyond his normal means. He had just engaged in an intense discussion, where Berengar was forced to pull out solid reasoning, religious, historical, and cultural precedent, as well as general charisma to convince the Reichstag to acquiesce to his demands.

In the end, he succeeded in convincing Congress; now, all that was needed was for the bill to enter the ranks of the Senate, where it would then be sent to his desk for approval. At this moment, he was beginning to understand the need to hold a constitutional convention to further refine the process that he had devised to reduce the workload on his shoulders.

However, now was the time for celebration; as such, he returned to the Palace, where he was shocked to see that only two people were there to greet him. Henrietta and Veronika were present, yet his three wives were nowhere to be seen as such; Berengar hugged his little sister before inquiring about the whereabouts of his women.

”Henrietta, it is good to see you; tell me, where are the others? ”

Henrietta immediately began to blush as she thought about the sight she had seen earlier in the day. She had witnessed Linde and Honoria carry Adela up the stairs and into the harem room; as such, she did not withhold the information from her beloved big brother.

”Erm… I think they ’re all in the harem room! ”

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