Tyranny of Steel

Chapter 289: Formation of the Iberian Union

The sun held high in the clear blue sky above the Andalusian Hills. In the valley between the mounds was an army standing and drilling within the formation. These were the men of the Granadan Royal Army, and excited expressions were on their faces as they donned their new attire and wielded their most recent acquisition.

Like the Byzantine Army, the Granadan Army was now equipped with mirror pattern armor, arkebuse firearms, and pikes. If anything, the Granadan forces with their newest armor began to resemble the Ottoman forces from the 16th century of Berengar ’s previous life.

Within the Ranks of the Granadan troops were a series of Officers dressed in the black and gold attire afforded to the Grand Army of Austria. These men were instructing the Granadan troops on the knowledge and tactics of how to wield their new weapons with efficiency.

Standing on the hilltop above, under the protection of an awning, stood Sultan Hasan Al-Fadl and Viscount Arnulf von Thiersee. Since Berengar ’s rise to the position of Duke, Arnulf, Berengar ’s other most capable General, had been rewarded with the position of the Viscount of Trent.

With Berengar overseeing the Duchy of Austria, the loyal nobleman and General of Berengar ’s Grand Army had been sent to supervise the training of the Granadan Royal Army. While entertaining his guest, Hasan poured himself a glass of the fortified wine that he had purchased in bulk from Berengar ’s wineries. As he did so, he poured another for Arnulf. However, the man declined it with a stern expression.

”Apologies, Sultan, but I am on duty, and it is forbidden to drink while in such a position. ”

Hearing this, Hasan smiled bitterly; the level of discipline that Berengar ’s troops held was to a degree he had never seen before, and as such, his respect for Berengar raised even more. After hearing this, the young Sultan took a sip from his glass before responding to Arnulf.

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