The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 7: Swift Death

Inside the wasteyard, Vaan studied the broken steel sword of half length before resuming his rummage.

”Seems like there isn ’t a whetstone I can use here. I will have to settle for alternatives, ” Vaan determined.

Shortly after, his gaze fell on a piece of demon beast leather that was part of a damaged black leather armor.

”Leather made from the tough hides of Dusk Drakes, huh? These are basically sandpaper and might work even better than ordinary whetstones… ” Vaan muttered, collecting the piece of Dusk Drake Leather before gazing at the other broken equipment.

”These items were most likely damaged from witches-in-training using their servants for target practice… Sigh, how extravagant. ”

”A little bit of repairing is all this equipment needed… ”

Vaan shook his head with a slight sigh, understanding yet not wanting to understand how the minds of the rich and noble witches worked.

”Witches ’ image would be affected if their servants wear broken equipment, huh? Just like that, so much good equipment is thrown away every month. ”

After using the piece of rough hide to sand the broken sword into shape with gleaming sharpness, it looked no different to a regular short sword—but with a slightly longer handle.

Vaan traced his three fingers along the surface of the blade, feeling the smoothness and texture of the short sword before nodding his head.

”With my present strength, a sword of this quality is enough to lop off the head of an unawakened witched—if that is all I am using it for, though. ”

”Unfortunately, that is not the case. I still need to consider my survival in the wild after making my escape. There should also be waste materials from alchemy and sculpting classes around here… ”

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