hat it wasn’t April Fool’s day, he would have thought it was all a big joke.

After all, second master Lin had been an ignorant and incompetent nitwit since he was a kid, basically not going to school much, having fun car and horse racing while those beside him were studying, flying to Paris to watch a show while others wrote exam questions.
Most of his life was spent playing around, making it hard for people to associate him with genius.

Many people actually thought that it was the Lin family who might have arranged some sort of cheating, but young master Lin was first place, his scores were so high it was hard to fake, and he answered questions with such ease that people had no choice but to admit that some people were born with brains and backgrounds from Rome2.

“What I hate most is people questioning me.”

Lin Sui replied casually, his brows raised in wanton arrogance.

This brash appearance should have made his teeth itch, but Song Yunqing found that he liked the way Lin Sui looked like he didn’t care about anything, as if nothing in the world could get to him.

“The results have been out for so many days now, and you still haven’t told me what you want me to do.”

“I still haven’t thought about it, what’s the hurry?”

“Isn’t this being in a rush to serve our young master Lin and be at his beck and call?”

Song Yunqing joked, his bright eyes shimmering under the moonlight.

“There’ll be a chance, just wait.”

Lin Sui’s peach blossom eyes rose, and the corners of his mouth pursed into a meaningful smile.

Song Yunqing’s heart was messed with in a strange way by that smile, so he took out a cigarette case from his pocket as if to cover it up.

“Do you mind if I smoke a cigarette?”

“I mind.”

Lin Sui pointed to the door, indicating that he should go outside to smoke.

Song Yunqing didn’t object, grabbing a cigarette and walking out.

Lin Sui was actually not repulsed by the smell of smoke, he used to be addicted to nicotine and could hardly be separated from his cigarettes.

Then he transmigrated into a different world, changed into a body that didn’t have a natural addiction, and since the cultivation world didn’t have things like tobacco, he automatically gave it up.
Nowadays, when he smelled it again, he actually got a little irritated, as if he would once again remember the times when he needed to rely on them to get through anything.

Lin Sui’s eyes unconsciously glanced out the window, pausing slightly as they swept past a certain place.

He stared at the somewhat protruding shadow under the shade of the tree, and found a person standing underneath, almost blending into the shadows.

He couldn’t see his face clearly, but he subconsciously knew who that was.

He was about to ask the System why it hadn’t warned him, but then thought it was unnecessary, since the System didn’t tell him everything.

Lin Sui knew Yan Qin’s mother had been buried today.
He knew Yan Qin would be sad and in pain due to his loved one’s passing, and knew that he might be desperate for his gaze, or his embrace, his kiss…..
or something else.

But so what?

He didn’t grieve for that woman’s passing.
Sometimes, because of his own karma, he even cold-bloodedly thought that this woman was also just a symbol.
Her destiny was to give birth to Yan Qin, to make Yan Qin suffer, and then to make Yan Qin transform.

These kinds of disassociated and even scornful thoughts were truly repulsive, Lin Sui believed that even if he wasn’t sad, he shouldn’t have these kinds of thoughts, because as far as the woman herself or this world’s Yan Qin was concerned, that was not the case at all.

Lin Sui withdrew his gaze, slightly tilting his head up to look at the night sky, pretending he didn’t discover the guest standing out in the courtyard.

The System did not understand, and asked: [You aren’t doing anything?]

It thought Lin Sui would do something, after all, the Son of Fortune was in such a state that it would be very easy to overwhelm him, so even if Lin Sui only spoke a few words to him or gave him a single look, the Son of Fortune would probably find it hard to free himself.

It was such a good opportunity, but the vixen didn’t do anything, so he didn’t seem like a vixen anymore, and it was really not predictable at all.

Lin Sui raised his eyebrows: [Do you want me to sleep with him?]

The System: [No!]

Lin Sui: [Then shut up.]

Lin Sui’s hand extended out the window, grabbing onto a handful of moonlight.

Yan Qin didn’t need anyone to become his light, because he himself was light.

Ruminating on pain was the only way to walk father into the darkness, because it is only when there is no way out from behind that one has no choice but to keep moving forward.

There were only two outcomes for anything, winning or losing.

That gaze seemed to follow him relentlessly, as if it was tainted onto Lin Sui’s soul.

Lin Sui saw the cigarettes placed on the desk by the window.
He took one and bit into it, and was just about to light it when he put it down again.

Forget it, boring.

Lin Sui threw the cigarette out the window with waning interest, then turned around and left.

The moonlight was too bright tonight, disturbing people’s peace.

The shadow under the tree only moved until the figure by the window completely disappeared.

He walked under the moonlight and picked up that bitten cigarette, holding it in the palm of his hand like a treasure.



1 An expression for when there are two people tied for top scorer, like when you crack open an egg and it has two yolks. Top.

2 From 有人出生就在罗马,有人生来就是牛马 lit.
some people are born in Rome, some people are born as oxen and horses (but the saying rhymes in chinese).
Means that some people simply have things others don’t. Top.

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