own with them?”


Gaston refrained from responding immediately to Viola’s suggestion.
Then a moment later, he proceeded to heave a sigh and scratch his cheek.


“……I suppose that’s the best choice we have.”

“Yes, sir.
Attack formation four! Ready! Don’t let any of them through!”

“”Yes, ma’am!””


Every soldier started drawing their Spell Circles.


“What the hell, you didn’t even need me at all!”

“Shut up.
Some of them might slip through the attack.
Pay attention!”

“You little shit…! Who do you think you’re talking to?”


Although Maïga was arguing with Hornel, the look in his eyes suggested that he was taking this seriously — because his line of sight never averted from the strange creatures in the woods.


“Baladd, support from the sky.”

“Leave it to me!”


Airborne Familiars such as Avians and Dragons flew up with Baladd and prepared to strike.

Then Viola gave her signal,



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Nearly fifty powerful spells were unleashed at the woods, transforming it into a dazzling sea of flames upon impact.

Despite that, Gaston kept his eyes peeled for the final result, not even blinking once — so that he would notice any strange occurrences as soon as possible.

He was sure that something would happen — and as it turned out, he was right.

It was far different from what he had assumed, however.
Viola and Fuyu were also surprised.


“This can’t be…”

“No effect at all!?”


The trees were burning brightly.
The strange creatures beneath those trees, however, did not seem to have been touched by the flames at all.
They only looked on ahead of them, their golden eyes bloodshot.


“Don’t panic.
They may very well be resistant to fire.
Try something else.”

“Yes, sir! Attack formation nine, ready!”


The elite soldiers started preparing their magic again.

Unlike when they fought against the Chaos Lizard, however, they did not seem at all confident.


[This is bad.
Sense of pressure is causing their arcane energy to fluctuate…]


Gaston hypothesized that this would have an effect on one’s combat performance — and as it turned out, he was right.

Once one’s focus was disrupted, it would be difficult to regain control.





Lightning bolts streaked forth with the blasts of wind.
The wind tore through the still-burning woods, and the lightning passed through the strange creatures.



“Not even a reaction.


The sound of cracking wood echoed, and one of the large trees collapsed.

Seeing the creatures avoid the falling tree, Gaston thought it strange and unexpected.


“They can eat the magic attacks head-on, but still take care to avoid being hit… Ah, I see.”


Gaston noticed something.


“Sir Gaston?”

“Think about this, Viola…”

“Y-yes, sir?”

“Magic spells’ base arcane energy is what allows them to injure their victims.”

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Listening to Gaston’s explanation on the basics-of-basics of magic, Viola struggled to connect the dots, while Konoha…


“Ahh, you sure are taking your time– GEH!?”


Gaston flicked Konoha on its forehead.


“In short, without the base arcane energy, a magic blast is as good as colored air.”


The meaning of Gaston’s words gradually became clear.


“Think about how the trees were burned before the spells were absorbed.”

“So the creatures have–“

“–That’s right.
Arcane Drain.”


Arriving at the shocking truth, Viola was at a loss for words.


“I see.
They can very well be considered a Mage’s natural enemies, then.”


Fuyu offered her opinion, having caught up with Gaston’s realization.


“This is too bad of a timing to be a coincidence…”


Gaston said and shifted his gaze to the depths of the woods, staring with doubt — and in the end, he was sure.

A well-tempered arcane energy signal was wriggling deep in the sea of flames.

And as Gaston noticed that arcane energy, its density increased, as if it knew.


“…I know who that is — there’s no mistaking this unsettling arcane energy.
You! I know you’re there… Billy!”


Everyone instantly set their sights to the depths of the forest.

A dark silhouette emerged from the raging flames, the strange creatures splitting as if they were opening the way for their Master.


“Kukukuku… I’ve come to kill you… my friend.”

“I knew it…!”


Gaston and Billy faced each other.

In the face of Billy’s overwhelming arcane energy and the army of grotesque creatures, most of the elite soldiers of the Royal Capital Magic Guardians could do nothing but stand in place.


“Professor… Billy…”


Lina tightly gripped her Key Pendant, pushing through the worry she just could not shake off. 

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