The Lurking Revenge

Father\'s request

Excelled in all areas of arts and sciences, she is the woman of every mans dreams.

Before she could reply, Rochelle was shot with another question. ”What are your thoughts about her marriage? ”

”M-Marriage? ” Rochelle jerked her head up, holding his gaze in surprise. Jaw dropped.

Did he really say marriage? M-Marriage?

How could a person like him, who always taught his daughters the values of independency and self-reliance, talk about marriage?

He let us to pursue our ambitions and allowed us to dream with open eyes, only for this day?

Shock and disappointment twirled to the core of her stomach.

Zeronis threw a big exhausted sigh. He took out his pair of specs and placed it on the tables surface, before clasping his hands together.

”Yes, you heard it right, Roch. ” His confirmation made Rochelle sure that her ears hadn turned deaf.

”Why marriage? Aurora would not even consider it. She still has a lot to accomplish for you, our family and herself. She wants to travel over the world, succeed on her dreams and make you the proudest father. ” Rochelle lips parted open, she stumbled over her words even though she managed to finish them.

”I know you are surprised. It was more than just a query, though. ” His gaze wandered outside the garden, where Edith was ambling around.

Forehead covered with wrinkles and the way he frowned, it made those wrinkles even deeper. ”I need your help, Roch. ” When he said those words, Rochelle knew what it was that awaited her.

Zeronis averted his sympathetic gaze to meet her eyes. Before exhaling a deep breath, he squeezed her hand, a gesture screaming to assist him.

”Theres a marriage proposal for Aurora, from the Duke of Cayor Kingdom. ”

”W-What? Marriage proposal? From the Duke? ” Rochelle slammed her hands on the table. ”Why? Aren they aware of the grudge between the two clans and our peace treaty with the werewolves? ” Her sincere calm expression turned into a full-blown panic. ”Even the younger generation is aware of the long history of enmity between vampires and werewolves. And joining hands with vampires, means death for us. ” She exploded, bursting forth.

”For the peace. ” He said bitterly.

Rochelle had anticipated a marriage. But, a marriage with the Duke of Vampire clan? The deadliest enemy of the Werewolf clan.

”Why are we held accountable and drawn into their conflict unnecessarily? ” Rochelle let out a strained breath, struggling to collect her racing thoughts. ”It was never Werewolves vs. Humans or Vampires against Humans but, always Vampires vs. Werewolves, right? ” She paused, her expression thoughtful when she examined her fathers tensed jaw.

”We were at peace on our own until the vampires began to feed on us, which caused a small shift in the human population. They held us as slaves and tortured our people in the most cruelest methods. ” In a guarded tone, the Marquess answered. ”It was said that after all the tortures, human blood tasted even better. Helpless, they were forced to seek refuge in werewolves den. ” He took a moment to let his words sink in. ”Nobody understood how the werewolves deed of kindness resulted in a deal whereby humans joined them as allies and werewolves shielded them from the vampires. ” The Marquess ran an exasperated hand through his hair.

Whatever the thing was, the truth is nobody is aware of the actual reason causing the feud between these two powerful clans. Theres not even a single trace that could lead to the actual cause.

Its as if everything perished with the one who started it….

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