was what drove her to get drunk when she was feeling sad, right?”

“Wen Shan drank?” Nalan Chunbo asked instantly as he tolerated the pain in his stomach and stood up.
“Where are you both now? Is Wen Shan alright?”

Nalan Chunbo couldn’t hide his anxiousness any longer.

Le Tian sensed his sincere worry but it did not mean that she approved of him yet.

“Is she at your place? I’ll come over now.” Not waiting for Le Tian’s reply, Nalan Chunbo asked again.

Le Tian remained silent.
She heard a door open and close, and a lady’s voice in the background.

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Le Tian immediately ended the call with a huff.
The man was really up to no good!

By the time Nalan Chunbo reached the stairs to Le Tian’s house, which he had found by relying completely on his memory of the last time he went there, it was already early evening.

He held onto his stomach while going upstairs, then stood at the doorway and kept on pressing the doorbell.

Le Tian deliberately refused to open the door for Nalan Chunbo because she wanted to see how persistent he was.

The doorbell was still ringing after thirty minutes.
Nalan Chunbo pressed the doorbell once every five minutes to prevent disturbing the people who were in that house.
Le Tian finally relented and slowly got up to answer the door.

Le Tian had to admit that Nalan Chunbo was a gentleman from the way he patiently rang the doorbell only once every five minutes to prove he was still there.

This simple gesture showed that the man had been brought up well.

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Nalan Chunbo’s face was very pale.
He saw Le Tian’s shock when she opened the door and figured that she did not think he was really ill.

“Your endurance is no joke.
Come on in.” Although Le Tian was still cold to him, he could tell she did not think he was a bad person.

Nalan Chunbo thanked her before entering.

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