The Badboy Hit My Chest

Chapter 7 - You\'re cursing

”Just a second ”

I stood up getting a glass of water from the pitcher. This helps me to concentrate.

”Don forget the dare whoever loses ” Shawn distracts.

”Shut up! ” I snap as I sit back, rubbing the fingers in my head.

”Oh woaah ” Shawn close his **ing mouth sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

I make a move but I was doubting. Malcolm look at me smirking.


”Gotcha! ” he eat my pawn, smiling as if he won already.

I let out a sigh.

Think Riley. Concentrate.

Watch the enemy. As well as thinking about my own moves, its vitally important to keep an eye on what your opponent is up to as well.

Weve been playing for an hour already.

My eyebrows raised as I realize my pawn that had eaten has its purpose.

Here we go.

I place the white queen to h5 which attacks the black king.

Few more rounds.

He sighed in confusion. I think he already notice hes about to lose.

He make a move but I still got him.

”I never knew you
e so good at this Riley ” Shawn smirk and Malcolm snorts.

”Nobody wins against Malcolm but you do ” Rem

stated teasingly.

”Lets do the dare! ” Shawn exclaims knowing I already won the game.

”What kind of dare? ” Malcolm asked irritated, scrunching his nose.

Looks like he couldn accept that he lose.

Poor boy.

”Nerdy must do the dare since you lose ” Shawn laughs sarcastically teasing him.

”Shut your **ing mouth or youll be living hell ” Malcolm began aggressive

”Woahh easy peasy ” Rem opposes.

I let out a sigh and began to think what to dare.


”I dare! ” I disrupt the conversation before anything happens.

Malcolm looked at me still pissed.

”Dare what? ”

”Uh-mm I dare you to stop bullying me ” I said quickly.

”You wish dork ” he rolled his eyes

”What? why? its my dare! ”

”No ”

”Do it ”

”No! think something else that is possible ” Malcolm snorts

”Its so easy why you can do it? ”

”I can still smell your pee all over your body nerd ” Shawn lauging in disgust.

”Shut up! ” I slap his shoulder.

”Ouch ” Shawn grown in pain fakely.


”Okay lets end this! Ill go home. You don even want to do my dare ” I growl standing up.

”Okay lets change the dare! ” Shawn disrupts.

”Kiss that nerd ”

”What? No way ” I complaint.

Malcolm look at me nervously and quickly look away.

Yeah I know. He won kiss me.

Who would kiss somebody such a nerd? Maybe he thinks its gross.

”I gotta go ” I walk toward the door and about to leave when he hold my arm and murmured sorry.

I quickly walk away and ran toward my way home. I need to get away from here.

My tears started to fall.

Why am I acting this way?

I don like him. Hes such a jerk. Hes such a bully. Maybe I was just hurt realizing nobody ever wants to kiss me. A girl like me.


”You need to see this ” Zia beams handing me over her sketch pad. By the way, Zia loves to draw. Its her favorite hobby, and frankly shes really an amazing artist, indeed.

I look at her work and gasp.

”Wow! you drew Shawn? ” Its amazing but why him? He doesn deserve to be drawn by Zia. Shes too kind for him and hes such a dickhead.

Obviously obsessed with her crush though.

”Yap! You like it? ” She blink her eyes while pouting.

This girl is so cute.

”Yeah this is beautiful Zia but I don like Shawns face here ”

”Uh-mm why? ” shes about to cry.

”Because hes an asshole ” I snorted.

”Don be mad at him Riley, accept it that hes my crush ”

”Youll get over him someday ” I rolled my eyes.

”Come on lets get to class or well be screwed up by Mr. Dickinson. ”

She pouts like a little puppy ” Right ”

I laugh and kiss her cheeks. This girl is so cute.

We walked toward the classroom and sat in our desired seats.

I can see Malcolm across my seat looking down at his phone. He seems so quite.

Mr. Dickinson waves off the class as he enters the room when he noticed we
e so loud. They
e either.

When the class started to quite down he started the lesson.

”Oh shit I forgot, theres a party tonight ” Zia whispered into my ear.

”Where? ”

”At Shawns house ” she wiggled her eyebrows. She seem too excited.

Oh shit I hate parties.

”How did you know? ” I whispered back.

”What are you up to Miss Snyder and you Miss Thompson? ” Mr. Dickinson pointed us with his old wooden ruler.

We instantly turn around and sit properly.

”Nothing sir ” Zia smiled fakely.

”Now focus to class if you don want to fail this subject ” he said angrily still glaring at us.

Tss. He doesn really want to be disturbed.

Malcolm glance at me and quickly look away.

Is he mad at me? Im the one who supposed to be mad.

He didn even apologize. He doesn approved my dare. What kind of dare is that if he doesn even wanna do it.

Sucks. I regret playing that game.


”So you wanna go ” Zia asked fixing her hair.

”Where? ”

Zia rolled her eyes ”I told you theres a party tonight ”

”Nah ”

”Come on Riley, don you wanna have fun? ”

”You already know its not my thing Zia. ” I scowl

”Oh please,, maybe its time for me to talk to Shawn privately ” she giggles

”In your dreams Zia ” I scoff

”Please ” Here we go again with her puppy eyes. You can get me on that.

”No, and I have nothing to wear ” I complained.

”Theres a bunch of dress in my closet ”

”Fine! ”

She embraced me happily while I shook my head.

Maybe I need to go with her since its Shawns house. Shell probably get drunk and drag him in the dark. I can let that happen. I need to watch her.

”So you coming tonight bunnies? ”


I tilt my head and see the badboys in campus.

Zia screams childishly ”Yes thanks for inviting handsome ”

Shawn smirked and I literally snort in disgust. Malcolm is still on his phone and Rem closed his locker and they all walk toward the cafeteria.


”Lets have a toast ” Zia cheers while Im gripping the glass in my hand. We just arrived at the party and Shawns house is very huge. Its a mansion with a lot of gold decorations and abstract furniture. I feel like Im in the museum gazing those paintings in the wall. Those are very fascinating.

Well, Zia wears her strapless silver dress and her tits are showing while I just wear tshirt and jeans. Not something you might expect. We were arguing for an hour deciding what to wear and here I am with my tshirt, my mom gave me on my birthday. I also don like to wear dresses. Im not comfortable.

Shit. I need to watch Zia. Theres a bunch of guys behind looking at her.

Oh crap.

”Hey you
e here ” I tilt my head as someone taps my back. I gasp when I realize its him. Uhhm whats his name again?

”Uhmm hi, pardon whats your name again? ” I nervously smiled. He was my saviour the day I was soaked with pee.

”Blake Wesley, you can call me Blake ” he smiled grabbing the wine, the waitress handed him.

She winked at him and I cringed in disgust.

”Oh sorry, uhmm Riley ” offering a handshake.

He giggles ”Yeah, I know ” shaking my hand.

His hand is so cold.

”Are you drinking? ” he asked politely.

Oh this man is so charming.

”Nah, Id wish Im not in here ”

He laughs ”Obviously, so how are you by the way ”

”Good, thanks ”

I tilt my head and see Zia out of nowhere.

Oh crap.

”Uhm excuse me, sorry ”

”Yeah its fine ” he smiled and sip his wine.

I need to find Zia. Tss. I forgot to watch her since Blake interrupted, but its fine though Blake is kind and cute.

I asked everyone if they saw Zia but they shook their heads.

Where is she?

I search her into the bathroom but no sign of her.

I go upstairs and found a room but shes not in here. I turn around as I bump with someone, hitting my face right through his chest. My eyes widens and I gasp seeing Malcolm.

His eyes looked shock.

”What are you doing here? ” he asked suspiciously.

”Uh-mm I couldn find Zia, I probably think shes here ” I stuttered.

”Shes in the pool, they
e having a pool party ”

”Why aren you in there? ” I asked curiously

”Im tired, I need to take a nap ”

”Hmm ”

We went silent for a moment until he speaks.

”Sorry by the way ” he suddenly apologized and I raised my eyebrow instantly.

”You know how to apologize huh ” I said sarcastically.

He suddenly hit my chest and my eyes widened.

What the hell?

”It seriously hurts. Damn it Malcolm ” I growl, groaning in pain.

He laughed hard looking at my face.

”Whats funny? ”

”Yo-u look he pauses, like a shark when you
e angry ”


”Are you kidding me? It hurts! What if I caught cancer for hitting me like that? ”

He stopped laughing for a second and he laughs over again.


”Stop hitting my chest dickhead! ” I threatened him.

e cursing ” made his eyes widened.

Yeah I know.

”I don care! ” I growl

I quickly walk away and go downstairs to find Zia. He said shes in the pool, I need to get her and go home. I can hear Malcolm said stop but I ignored him. Hes such a jerk. Whats wrong with him? Why he likes to hit my chest?

Its not funny.

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