re of the Magic Beasts that were left behind.”

I’m sorry you must have had a rough couple of days, Teacher Neil.

“I made the students fill out a boarding request form beforehand, so I know which students abandoned their Magic Beasts.
Based on that, we will be punishing the students in question, and the academy will issue a strict warning to their parents.
Also, since they were all nobles, I am to give His Majesty a list of what happened and which family they belonged to.”

Uh-huh, if you don’t do that, there will be no end to the number of students who will do the same thing again.

“Teacher, what is going to happen to those Magic Beasts?”

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Sei asked in an angry voice.
Certainly, I wonder what will happen to them.
They said, “I don’t want it anymore,” So I don’t think they are going to come to pick them up…

“Hmm, I’d like to take care of them, but it’s too much for me to do, taking into consideration the ones I had before.
Even if I tried to find a caretaker, there are only those who want to take them back for their materials.
Even if I asked adventurers to return them to their original places, they wouldn’t accept my request, you know.
They will just be turned into materials.”

Materials… captured alive and sold to nobles, and they don’t want them back alive, but they are willing to take them back for their material? That’s terrible…

“The children that were left behind are not very strong, even though they are Magic Beasts, so they could be made into pets and kept, depending on their training.
Some of them are popular in the Capital because of the quality of their fur.”

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Hmm, I don’t think this will end well.

“I could transfer them to students who want them, but that doesn’t mean that those students won’t sell them as material either… if possible, I’d like to return them to their original forest.
Oh, this fish, could it be Sharken!?”

The onigiri that Teacher Neil ate was made of finely chopped Sharken.
How did you know that?

“It’s yummy.
Huh? This meat… is this, Co, Cockatrice!?”


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