
The housekeeper served the meal on the table, cleaned the house and was just about to leave.

“Aunt, hold on.”

Yan Huan stopped the housekeeper.

The housekeeper halted, “What’s wrong? Is there anything else, Ms.

“Hmm, yeah,” Yan Huan opened her bag and drew out a purse.
She took out a big stack of money from the purse.
There was at least 3,000 yuan just by visual estimation.

She put the money in front of the housekeeper.

Yan, I don’t accept bribes.” The housekeeper quickly shook her hands as she could not accept the money.

Yan Huan put the stack of money in the housekeeper’s hands, “Aunt, what are you thinking about? It’s your birthday today, isn’t it? Thanks for coming over and cooking for us.
This is your birthday present.
I’ve racked my brain and couldn’t think of anything to give you, but I think this would be the most suitable one, right?”

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The housekeeper felt as if her hand was burned by the money upon hearing this.

She smiled, “If Ms.
Yan really wants to give me a present, one piece would be enough.”

“One is not presentable.” Yan Huan put her purse back into her bag as she never intended to take back the money.
“You’re a similar age with my mother.
She used to be a housekeeper too.
Back then, I was still a kid.
One day, she came back and told me that her employer gave her an extra bonus as it was her birthday.
She said she would leave all the money to me so that I could celebrate my birthday.”

The housekeeper clenched the money in her hand tightly, she could see the tears gathered in Yan Huan’s eyes.
Yan Huan wanted to cry but she managed to hold back her tears.

A motherless child surely faced a hard time.

“Thank you, Ms.
I will take it.”

The housekeeper would keep the money with her at all times.
The salary offered by Yan Huan was actually quite high.
Besides, unlike the others who would throw a tantrum at their housekeepers or maids, Yan Huan and Lu Yi respected her and were very nice to her.
They treated her like family and never lost their temper with her.
There were times when Yan Huan went filming and Lu Yi would come back less often, hence she was only left with the jobs of cleaning the rooms and preparing two meals for Mr.
Sometimes she only needed to clean the rooms when Mr.
Lu was not around.

In spite of that, they never skimped on her wages.
Sometimes Yan Huan’s manager or Lu Yi would pass the wages to her when Yan Huan was occupied.

What a nice kid.
It’s too bad her mother passed away so early, she was a pitiful woman after all.

Lu Yi came back just in time when the housekeeper got out of the house.

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Lu,” the housekeeper stopped Lu Yi.

“Yeah, aunt, is there anything?”

Lu Yi stopped his pace, wondering whether something happened to Yan Huan.

“Nothing much.” The housekeeper breathed out a sigh.
“She misses her Mum.
Console and try to cheer her up.
Motherless children are pitiful.”

“I will, thanks aunt.” Lu Yi turned around, opened the door and walked inside.
Yan Huan was lying on her stomach on the sofa, she could barely used the phone with her bandaged hand.

But the bandage was not wrapped according to Lu Yi’s style.

“Washed your hands again?

Lu Yi came to her, sat down and drew her hand closer.
As expected, it was not his work.
It was impossible for an ordinary person to learn his way of wrapping bandages.
Clearly, there was only one reason for her to wrap her bandages afresh.

She washed her hands again.

“I apologize,” Yan Huan held out her hands, confessed, admitted to her fault and pleaded guilty, “I forgot again.”

“How many times has it been?” Lu Yi asked her again.

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