Fake 14: Buyer’s High

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So, this thing that looks like a flimsy body-tight costs 500,000 yen.
If I buy this, most of my savings will be gone.
It is too hard to make a decision.

What about the other one?”
“Partial protector is the type of armor molded from the reinforced carbon fiber.
It is light and strong like metal, so I recommend it.
However, If you get targeted at places with no protector, it is the same as not wearing any equipment.
So, if possible, it is better to equip it on top of the inner armor.”
“How much does this cost?”

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“Let’s see.
It differs for each armor part, but if it is only a fundamental breastplate, it starts from around 150,000 yen.”
“So, it is 150,000 yen.
How much can the breastplate cover?”
“Generally, it feels like it can cover most of the area above the solar plexus.
If you want to cover even the abdomen, it will cost 300,000 yen.
It is recommended because you can even add each part later; however, a fully integrated armor has no gaps at all.”

After hearing the prices from the salesperson, I felt that the breastplate was the only option.

“In addition, there are helmets and Kabuto* types for the head protectors.
But, they are not very popular with survivors because of their appearances, adding to the fact it is hard to move since they are quite heavy.”

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“It must be so”

Since I’ve seen my previous party member break his nose from the blow in his face, I am worried about my head protection.
It should be some kind of mask to prevent the attack on the face………
However, as one would expect, I am reluctant to go around wearing a mask.
Furthermore, even if I wear a mask, I don’t think it is enough to stop the blow if I get hit in the face.
Since I’ve already ordered a bicycle helmet, I will somehow deal with it for the time being.

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“Excuse me, Can I try putting the breastplate on?”
“Of course, you can.
Then it is here.
It comes with an adjuster; you can try adjusting with it.”
(T/N: “It is here” means ‘fitting room’ or something similar)

I asked the salesperson how to put this on and tried equipping it.
However, because it was lighter than I expected, I asked him if it was really alright.
I was told that it may be lightweight, but its intensity isn’t inferior to that of metals such as iron, so I decided to buy it.
The price was 150,000 yen.
I ended up breaking my highest purchase record, which was the purchase price of the bicycle, by a large margin.
So, I was very conflicted about whether or not I really wouldn’t regret buying it until just before the payment.
But, considering I have only one life, I ended up paying while streaming tears of blood.

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In my mind, I was thinking I became a splendid F-rank survivor even in terms of equipment, but I was asked won’t I need a weapon while I was paying.
I answered that it was okay because I have a blade skill, but I was advised that it is too dangerous to become unarmed when my skills run out, and it made sense.
So, just in case, I decided to check out the weapons as well.
I told him about how I move by bicycle and how the blade created by my skill is around 30 cm.
After considering practicality, rather than a longsword, a survival knife was recommended for me to use as a sub-weapon.
Since they aren’t bulky, I was recommended to have two knives—a small one with a blade length of 15 cm and a bigger one with a blade length of 30 cm.
But, I was being a little strange at that time; I wondered if it was the so-called ‘buyer's high’.
I didn’t think the knives were expensive, which cost 15,000 yen and 4,000 yen respectively, because I consecutively bought both a bicycle and a breastplate, which were expensive items.

Buyer’s high: A pun that describe one’s state of mind becoming restless after buying new things
Kabuto helmet*: A type of helmet used by ancient Japanese warriors

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