
’This is good news because if he doesn ’t have his phylactery, we can halve his strength with just a single spell.
If he does have it, then we can kill the motherf.u.c.ker for good. ’ Mirim said via a mind link, to share the information at the speed of thought.

’He usually wears an armor made of Davross, so cantrips won ’t work on him.
Only use tier four and five Spirit Spells, everything else is a waste of mana.
Remember to use Prode as your shield.

’Don ’t get reckless and stick to its walls.
The arrays will protect us and leave us free to focus on attacking.
Is everything clear? ’ She asked.

’Does anyone of us have a Royal Fortress armor? ’ Lepto asked.
He was a blonde man in his thirties, with a face full of freckles.

’You wish! Royal Guards needs them more than we do.
Anyone can wear them and gain the power necessary to protect strategic assets, whereas we ’re powerful even without them. ’

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Mirim handed each one of them a Featherwalker armor, Orion ’s latest breakthrough and improvement of Lith ’s Orichalc.u.m Skinwalker armor.
It was made of purified Adamant, had a power core capable of coordinating and mixing several enchantments at the same time, and the wings on their back actually allowed the user to fly.

It was the result of the collective work of hundreds of Royal Forgemasters, but Orion had led the most successful research team, earning him the title of god of forge and bringing Jirni ’s god count up to four.

The members of the Corpse imprinted their respective armor before wearing it, putting the rest of their clothes inside the Featherwalker armor ’s dimensional space.

Once they were done, they hid their face under the helmets and walked to the city ’s commanding officer.

”What ’s our status? ” Mirim asked.

”We ’re losing badly. ” A weathered Major of the army said.
He was barely fifty, yet his hair was dirty white and his face was full of deep wrinkles.
”The undead attacked an hour before sunrise and so far, they are unstoppable.

”Some are using an odd fire than no water can douse to eat at the arrays and jam their functions while the foot soldiers are f.u.c.k.i.n.g monsters.
Even our allied Emperor Beasts are being tossed around as if they are ragdolls. ”

Just like it happened for his sisters, the steed allowed the Red Sun to share his gifts with all of Baba Yaga ’s children in his vicinity, even though they wore no prism and weren ’t his Chosen.

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In Dusk ’s case, he could grant each one of them one life force-related power at a time and change it according to the circ.u.mstances.
He possessed all the powers belonging to the Guardians ’ bloodlines and he was a master at using them.

”We ’ll take care of Dusk.
You just make sure that none of his undead gets past the walls or interferes with our fight.
One small ripple can turn victory into defeat and vice versa. ” Lord Commander Distar said.

The moment the one-time code arrived, the members of the Corpse activated the Highmaster ability of their armor, becoming immune to the city arrays and boosting all of their physical attributes.

Then, they drank the Mother Earth potion that Tyris had given them for the emergencies and went to face their enemy.

The potion had the same name as Tyris ’s breathing technique because it also had the same properties.

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