Valentina transformed into her small, ethereal beast form, which was barely 20 cms tall. She hopped onto Damien ’s shoulders, and he felt that he could walk around with her resting on his shoulders.

Seeing her cute cat form after a while, he stroked her head and felt that it was really soft and pleasing to stroke.

”Purrr… ” Valentina let out a gratified whimper as she enjoyed his caress. She turned her head and licked all over his cheeks affectionately.

”Haha, your tongue almost feels the same just as your human form. ” Damien chuckled as he patted her.

He lifted her in his hands as her limbs rested in the air. Seeing her cute face, he gave her a quick peck on her nose.

”Mewww… ” Valentina happily swayed her limbs as Damien kissed her.

After cuddling with her for a while, the two set out, and Damien chose a quiet and secluded spot as he crushed the stone Triton had given him.

Within five minutes, Damien felt someone suddenly appearing beside him and touching his shoulder. But he didn ’t resist, and within a moment, his surroundings changed so fast that he was sure that a Heaven Ethereal Realm practitioner was carrying him somewhere.

Before he knew it, he even got inside an ethereal spatial formation. Within a few seconds, he was standing in front of a group of small buildings he had seen before.

’Wow, this fast! ’ He turned around and saw a sky blue masked figure releasing their hand from his shoulders.

The figure removed their mask, and Damien saw that it was Shania, whom he recognized as Triton ’s protector.

She looked at Valentina resting on Damien ’s shoulders and asked curiously, ”You brought a cat? ”

Damien smiled, ”Senior Shania, she is my pet, and the last time I suddenly disappeared, she was quite frightened. So, this time I simply took her with me. ”

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