that looks easy to fight.
Something that won’t be strong even after transforming into a monster…

Peering around, I spot a small tree that can’t be more than a few years old.
It’s the pleasant color of new growth, not yet having thick bark or many leaves.
It looks suitable.

I rush over to the sapling and look down at the wight, indicating the sapling with my jaw.
“Do you think you can fight this?”, I try to ask the wight.
Understanding my intention, it nods its head.

“Guoh”, I cry, facing my partner.


She hungrily gnashes her teeth.
A-after this, I’ll start hunting for real.
You can even eat the next meal.
The poor wight will keep falling apart at this rate, which is a bother for you too, right?


My thoughts must have gotten through, because my partner turns to face the sapling and uses [Soul AppendmentFake Life].
A black light envelops the sapling.

【Normal Skill [Soul AppendmentFake Life] has risen from level 2 to 3.】

As the black light clears away, I see a face-like cavity on the sapling.
It uproots itself, scattering earth around.

“Gi, higii!”

The sapling’s mouth tears open, letting out a war cry.


Species: Little Treant

Condition: Cursed

Lv: 1/5

HP: 7/7

MP: 6/6

Attack: 1

Defense: 2

Magic: 3

Speed: 1

Rank: F

Characteristic Skills:

[Dark Attribute: Lv -]

Resistance Skills:

[Physical Resistance: Lv 1]

Normal Skills:

[Take Root: Lv 1] [Clay: Lv 1]

Title Skills:

[Servant of the Evil Dragon: Lv -]


I-it’s a success.
Wow, I really can just make as many followers as I want.

Its attack and speed are low, but its HP and magic are high.
It looks like it would work well as a support-type.

Now that I look at it, I can’t help but become attached to it.
I really want to know how it will develop as it gets stronger.
Plus, it has that title skill, so it shouldn’t be hostile to me.
It might be best to change our plans.


By the time I call out to the wight, it had already begun to move.
As the wight draws near, the treant swings at it with the downwards slash of a branch, but the wight dodges around behind it.
Without pause, the wight embraces the treant.
From the wight’s body, a black mist leaks out.

The treant writhes, trying to shake off the wight.
But the wight clings on.
Piece by piece, bones fall to the ground.

“Gii! Gii! Higii!”

Gradually, the treant’s movements slow, its body surface growing darker.
Finally, it stops moving completely.
As the treant stills, the wight stops releasing its black mist.
It seems it was an HP-stealing skill.

The withered treant looks like it has been starved of water for a long time.
Its leaves have changed color completely.
and, as a gust of wind blows, its limbs fall to the ground.

Trapped in indecision, I had only watched over the fight in a daze.
When I finally come to my senses, the wight is happily approaching me, dragging its missing body parts.

Y-yeah… n-no, this is where I should honestly praise its hard work.
I just need a second to sort out my feelings.

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