The Last Time (Part Five)

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“Your Majesty, the second prince and Princess DanYang have come to visit you.”

Emperor Ning was in a good state today.
Half laying in bed, he was reading through the reports from the past few days.
He was also commenting on just about everything.

Eunuch Gao brought in a new cup of hot tea and reported to Emperor Ning.

“Oh? Those siblings came together.
We are feeling quite well today.
Have them come in to speak.”

Eunuch Gao bowed and retreated.
Not long later, he led the second prince and Princess DanYang inside.

Seeing Emperor Ning had the energy to look through reports, the two let out a sigh of relief.

Emperor Ning lifted his eyelids.
Seeing the siblings’ expressions, he smiled and said: “What, did you start to worry that Our condition started to worsen again after not seeing Us for a couple of days? Don’t worry.
We are feeling better.”

Emperor Ning simply thought that the two were worried about his condition.
That was why he put on such an expression.

As for whether or not they were worried about Emperor Ning’s condition, they could be considered as being worried, but it was not exactly the same as what Emperor Ning was thinking.

A eunuch came out with some chairs, and the second prince and Princess DanYang sat down next to the bed to speak.

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“It’s good that father Emperor’s condition is improving.
It seems that the imperial physicians were finally able to show some results for all of their studying.
That’s good.
Son can feel at ease.”

He was at ease because the position of crown prince would not end up remaining unoccupied.

Princess DanYang glanced at the second prince, “That’s right.
Father Emperor has been sick for a long time, and second brother has been worried this entire time.
Father Emperor must quickly recover.
Daughter is still waiting to go and see the peonies with you!”

Spring would be returning soon, and the flowers in the imperial garden would begin to bloom.

Emperor Ning cheerfully looked at Princess DanYang, “Very well, We hope that We will have fully recovered by then.
But We feel that the improvements have not been related to the imperial physicians.
The credit should go to Yu Fu.”

Yu Fu?

The second prince and Princess Danyang were a little shocked.
How could it be related to Yu Fu?

Emperor Ning pulled out the talisman from beneath his pillow, “This was given to Us by Yu Fu when she came into the palace two days ago.
She said that it’s a talisman from LingYin Temple, and she personally helped place it below Our pillow.
We feel very at ease sleeping with this.”

Just as he said this, he started violently coughing, and Eunuch Gao hastily stepped forward to pat him on the back.

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The younger eunuch was keen-eyed and brought over a basin.
Emperor Ning’s face was bright-red from coughing.
After rinsing his mouth, he spat it into the basin.

Suddenly, something blood red appeared before the second prince’s eyes.

He was coughing up blood?!

This was horrible.
It was no wonder word of His Majesty passing away even reached DanYang’s side.
It turned out his illness was already this severe!

The second prince immediately gave Princess DanYang a look.

Emperor Ning slowly got up and weakly smiled, “Look, extreme joy begets sorrow is an idiom that perfectly describes Us.
It seems that these sorts of delightful words cannot be said.
If they’re said, some sort of scolding is sure to come.”

Princess DanYang stood up and said: “Father Emperor, the spring flowers in the imperial garden have not yet bloomed, but a few days ago, I saw that the winter jasmines have already bloomed.
Father’s bed chamber is filled with the smell of medicine.
How about I pick some winter jasmines and have them placed in this room.
What does father Emperor think?”

Emperor Ning had always doted on his only daughter.
Naturally, anything that she said would be good, thus he said: “Alright, you go ahead.
Don’t stay too long.
We will be waiting until you get back to tell you a joke.”

“Yes, daughter will definitely go quickly and return quickly.
Eunuch Gao, bring a couple palace servants and come with me.
I am worried that I won’t be able to carry all of the flowers.”

Eunuch Gao bowed and complied, while Princess DanYang turned and secretly gave the second prince a look.

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After they left, only Emperor Ning and the second prince remained inside the bed chamber.
Father and son came closer and chatted for a while.

They quickly returned with the winter jasmines that bloomed the best.
Just as they were about to be placed in a vase, they heard the sound of a cup being smashed.

Eunuch Gao was startled and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Emperor Ning’s ferocious voice came from inside, “Impudent! We still have not died, yet you’re already coveting the position of crown prince.
Just what sort of intentions do you have in mind?!”

Princess DanYang’s complexion immediately turned pale.

These words could not be cursing out anyone other than the second prince.

Sure enough, the second prince’s voice immediately followed, “Father Emperor, son does not dare.
Son would never dare! Son is just worried, worried about…”

He could no longer continue to try and defend himself.
It was only now that the second prince realized that he had fallen for someone’s trap.

Someone had deliberately spread rumors for Princess DanYang to hear.
They used Princess DanYang to pass this onto him and have him quickly ask Emperor Ning to appoint him as crown prince.

However, Emperor Ning never heard these rumors.
As he saw it, it was the second prince who had run out of patience and could not wait for him to die and become the emperor!

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No matter how gentle a ruler, nor loving a father emperor, as long as his rule was threatened, it was inevitable that they would become furious.

This was especially true when the one who made him feel threatened was his own beloved son!

Emperor Ning was filled with bitterness, and the taste of iron filled his throat, as he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

“Father Emperor! Father Emperor! What happened?”

The second prince loudly shouted in a miserable voice, as Eunuch Gao and the others hurriedly ran into the hall.
It was only then that they found Emperor Ning leaning back in bed.

A patch of his bedclothes had been dyed blood red.
At the same time, there was some blood at the corners of his lips.

His Majesty had coughed up blood, His Majesty had coughed up blood!

Eunuch Gao’s mind instantly became a mess.
Relying on his base instincts, he began giving orders, “Quickly, quickly have someone go and bring in Marquis Gu and Prime Minister Yin.
Also, get the other princes and the imperial concubines!”

If Emperor Ning suddenly died, this might be their last time…

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