Don’t mess with my brother

Zhou Yaoyun seemed both angry and yet not angry.
This was because Zhou Yaoyun didn’t spend much time talking with Ji Chen’ai at home, thus Ji Chen’ai couldn’t notice anything as well. 

The original body’s parents, Zhou Yumian and Wang Zhixiu, were very kind to Ji Chen’ai.
This kindness made Ji Chen’ai feel somewhat guilty.
After all, he was not the original Zhou Yaoqin but only an inexplicable ghost.

Positive energy system, Xiao Qi, was particularly indifferent to this, it said, “Zhou Yaoqin himself chose death, it has nothing to do with you.
You are using his body, naturally you should repay him later.
After Zhou Yumian and Wang Zhixiu get old, they have one more filial son.
Not letting the white-haired send off the black-haired [1] is the best reward for them.”

[1] 白发人送黑发人 [báifàrénsònghēifàrén]: to see one’s child die before oneself

Listening to Xiao Qi, Ji Chen’ai went silent for a moment, then slowly he said, “Suicide, isn’t it quite stupid.”

Xiao Qi said, “Yes, because your death will only hurt those who love you.”

Yet, Ji Chen’ai laughed, “But if I live, I will hurt the people I love.
Better to just get the pain over with, rather than prolong the agony.
If I don’t die, I won’t meet you.”

Xiao Qi didn’t speak any more.
He wouldn’t tell Ji Chen’ai that it was bound to Ji Chen’ai’s soul.
Thus, even if Ji Chen’ai hadn’t chosen to commit suicide, then he would still be its host in his original body.
There’s something that could not be changed, and it didn’t have to be said.
Knowing more naked truth would bring nothing but more pain. 


After what happened that day, Zhou Yaoyun didn’t go out to play basketball for two-three days in a row.
Ji Chen’ai asked carefully why he didn’t go, to which Zhou Yaoyun, with a lukewarm attitude, replied that he was tired. 

When Zhou Yaoyun said that he was tired, his eyes were particularly terrible.
Ji Chen’ai, who stared at him, seriously considered whether the events of that day had been discovered by Zhou Yaoyun. 

Xiao Qi pacified him, said, “I swear by my system’s dignity that he didn’t see you that day!”

Ji Chen’ai doubtly said, “Didn’t see it doesn’t mean he didn’t know I did it.” 

Xiao Qi silently thought, if he is merely not showing that he has discovered Ji Chen’ai’s actions……that would be another story.
Now, Ji Chen’ai’s points were a little lower than 4000 energy values.
He had caught a thief before and had changed the fate of several people, earning him almost one hundred energy points.
A few days ago, because of Zhou Yaoyun’s affairs, he somehow reached 100 energy points.

Ji Chen’ai asked Xiao Qi about this but Xiao Qi only kept him hanging in suspense, saying that he would find out later.

As a result, a few days later, Ji Chen’ai, who had just come back from picking up garbage, saw a familiar face just downstairs–That’s right, it was that man who had confessed to Zhou Yaoyun a few days ago.

That man with a bag in his hand, was standing at the bottom of the building while smoking a cigarette.
He looked a little distressed.

Wheeling past beside him, Ji Chen’ai felt a bit guilty.
He was about to pretend that he didn’t know him and to go in quickly, but he was stopped.

Fu Angran cried, “Zhou Yaoqin?”

Ji Chen’ai paused and turned to look at Fu Angran: “You…”

Fu Angran said, “You don’t know me, do you? I’m your younger brother’s friend, Fu Angran.”

Ji Chen’ai said, “Oh…Then, what’s the matter?”

“It’s like this, I’m going to country M in two days.
I want to give your younger brother a farewell gift, but I forgot your address,” replied Fu Angran.

“Then, do you want to go upstairs with me?” asked Ji Chen’ai.

Fu Angran put out his cigarette butt and threw it into the trash can beside him.
He said, “No need, I still have something else to do.
You can take this and give it to Zhou Yaoyun.” As he spoke, he gave a bag filled with something to Ji Chen’ai.

Ji Chen’ai felt awkward, “This is not good, right? You’re leaving…such an important thing… What if Xiao Yun has anything else to say to you?”

At first, Fu Angran was slightly hesitant, but when he heard Ji Chen’ai’s words, the expression on his face suddenly became firm and he threw the bag to Ji Chen’ai’s bosom, “You can give it to him, he won’t throw it away.” After he finished talking, Fu Angran turned around and left.

Ji Chen’ai tried to call him back, but he couldn’t catch up with Fu Angran.
Hence, he just took the gift bag and took the elevator with a bitter face. 

Zhou Yaoyun noticed that Ji Chen’ai was already back home but he didn’t turn his head as he asked, “Brother is back?”

Ji Chen’ai makes a ‘hmm’ sound.
After being silent for a while, he said, “I met your friend downstairs… ” 

After listening to him, Zhou Yaoyun turned back and saw a bag in Ji Chen’ai’s arms.
He seemed to know who had sent it at first glance, and his originally bright expression became a little gloomy.

Ji Chen’ai said, “Well…Your friend threw it in my arms and ran away.
I tried to call out to him but he ignored me.”

Zhou Yaoyun gave a hum.
He took the gift, turned around and went into the bedroom.
From his face, it could be seen that he was very dissatisfied with this kind of behavior from Fu Angran.

Looking at Zhou Yaoyun’s face, Ji Chen’ai suddenly thought, “Xiao Qi, the person whose fate I’ve changed is not Fu Angran, right…” Fu Angran’s departure might have something to do with his coming out in a rage in front of the public a few days ago.

Xiao Qi said, “No, it is him whom you have changed.”

Ji Chen’ai felt a little distressed, because he didn’t expect that Fu Angran liked Zhou Yaoyun, and even confessed it in front of so many people.
According to the current social situation, Fu Angran would certainly suffer some criticism.
However, since Ji Chen’ai could get positive energy value, it showed that Fu Angran’s change of fate would not be a miserable one.

“If you didn’t interfere, he would probably die next summer,” added Xiao Qi.

Ji Chen’ai was taken aback.

Xiao Qi did not explain the cause of Fu Angran’s death, instead it said, “You know that he will be going to Country M?”

“What’s the matter?” asked Ji Chen’ai.

“He will play in the NBA and pursue his original dream,” replied Xiao Qi.

Before, when Ji Chen’ai heard that someone’s fate had changed, he didn’t feel that moved because he was unfamiliar to those who had had their fate changed and they might not even have met each other.
However, when he was told by Xiao Qi that Fu Angran, a living acquaintance’s fate had changed, Ji Chen’ai felt an unprecedented pleasure and relaxation.

Many people don’t have good outcomes after carrying out good deeds; so they begin to doubt whether they are making the right decision.

But in fact, what they’re doing is right, it’s just not everyone has the courage to do it.

At the very time that Ji Chen’ai’s courage was exhausted, Xiao Qi appeared.
It told him that being a good person would be rewarded.

Every person who cherishes benevolence should have a happy ending, but reality is too cruel.
Hence, Xiao Qi appeared.
Although Xiao Qi was still small and weak at the present, as long as Ji Chen’ai kept persisting, it would grow one day. 

Ji Chen’ai didn’t know what Fu Angran had given Zhou Yaoyun.
All he knew was that when Zhou Yaoyun came out of the bedroom, his face had gotten darker.

He didn’t say anything to Ji Chen’ai; only turning around and going into the kitchen, beginning to chop meat.

Ji Chen’ai asked weakly from outside the door, “Xiao Yun, what are you doing?”

Zhou Yaoyun turned his head and smiled, revealing eerily a row of white teeth, “Making dumplings for the evening.”

Zhou Yaoyun’s smile made Ji Chen’ai’s back cool.
He also knew that he was wrong, and did not dare to say anything.
He moved his wheelchair towards his room and started to post again on the internet forum.

After this period of unremitting efforts, Ji Chen’ai’s forum account had nearly reached level 11 and all his posts were irrelevant house pet posts.
People in this forum also began to get familiar with Ji Chen’ai.
They all jokingly called him house pet elf.

Sometimes Ji Chen’ai’s posts were met with trolls, everything that came out of their mouths was crude.
Ji Chen’ai would ignore them.
The most nauseating person, though, was the kind of person who sent pictures of animal cruelty under his post.

The first time Ji Chen’ai saw this kind of picture, he almost burst with rage.
He simply wished that he could crawl along the network cable and punch the pervert on the other side.

Xiao Qi, contrary to what one might expect, was rationally advising him, “Don’t worry.
When you get to a higher level, there will be a way to punish these people.” 

JI Chen’ai’s face was gloomy and he didn’t speak. 

Xiao Qi sighed, “If you kill animals for food, naturally there are no consequences, but if you kill animals for the purpose of abuse, there will be a price to pay in the end.”

Today, Ji Chen’ai hasn’t sent any post yet.
He noticed that there was a pinned post at the house pet forum’s page.
He clicked on the post to see its content and immediately lost his temper — it turned out, there were netizens who had exposed a cat abuse organization.
This group even had its own film library.
After netizens sneaked into the organization to see it, they just screenshotted some pictures to make all cat lovers crazy.

JI Chen’ai gnashed his teeth after reading the post, but he found that he couldn’t help with anything.
He directly asked, “Xiao Qi, how much energy do you need to unlock the skill you said?”

Xiao Qi replied, “Don’t worry, if things get bigger and you have more negative energy [2], you can unlock other level 2 negative energy skills.”

[2] The more evil things that others do, the more negative power Chen’ai will get – refer chapter 10, there are some introductions of negative power systems. 

JI Chen’ai asked, “When the time comes, can these people be punished?”

Xiao Qi’s voice seemed a little cold at this time, it said, “Naturally.” And it would be an extremely grave punishment.

Ji Chen’ai knew that Xiao Qi wouldn’t casually lie.
He stared at the post for a while, then he finally frowned and closed it.
He didn’t have the mood to continue posting to gain positive energy.

When Ji Chen’ai turned off the computer, he suddenly felt a little bit ironic.
His business was to earn positive energy.
Even before he had half of it, the negative energy value had actually reached level 2 first, and he could continue to unlock more skills…

But this is good too, thought Ji Chen’ai.

Only by letting those who have done wrong know that they are wrong, can they amend their mistakes.

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