Maybe it’s because he frequently cooked, but Zhou Yaoyun’s culinary skills were excellent, and his cooking was very much in line with Ji Chen Ai’s taste.
The cold noodles were tasty and not too spicy.
With mung bean porridge, Ji Chen Ai ate a lot.

Looking at Ji Chen Ai’s good appetite, Zhou Yaoyun was very happy.
While washing the dishes, he kept humming songs, and asked what Ji Chen Ai would like to eat tomorrow.

Ji Chen Ai answered casually.
He didn’t have any particular food he favored, liking anything so long as it was delicious. 

When he finished washing the dishes, Zhou Yaoyun went to the living room, unfastened his apron, and said, “Brother, I feel like you’ve changed a lot.”

Ji Chen Ai was watching the television.
After listening to Zhou Yaoyun’s words, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled.
But soon, it straightened again, and he expressionlessly asked, “Where has it changed?”

Zhou Yaoyun sat beside Ji Chen Ai, “You didn’t like to talk to me before.”

“Uh-huh,” said Ji Chen Ai.

Zhou Yaoyun continued, “I used to worry about you.”

Ji Chen Ai looked at Zhou Yaoyun, remaining silent for a long time.
He couldn’t tell Zhou Yaoyun that the brother he was worried about no longer existed in this world, could he?

But he should, he will tell the truth to his brother but that was in the future

The next day, Ji Chen Ai went out for a walk by himself again.
For this second walk outside, Ji Chen Ai had asked Zhou Yaoyun to prepare gloves for him so that he could continue picking up trash……

In fact, Ji Chen Ai seriously thought of buying a bag to put in all the plastic garbage he had collected and earn money by selling them, but he was worried that if he did that, Zhou Yaoyun would jump to him, grievously crying and saying that he let his brother suffer and so on.

Ji Chen Ai was right–if he really started picking garbage and went home afterwards……Zhou Yaoyun would probably do that.

Today was still sunny.
When Ji Chen Ai went out, he took an umbrella with him and spent the whole morning walking around his neighbourhood.
After getting more than 30 energy values, he was ready to go home.

Originally, Ji Chen Ai thought that today was also a peaceful day, but when he prepared to go back, something unexpected happened.

He forgot to throw all the rubbish away and leave it in the open space

Around Ji Chen Ai’s neighbourhood, there were parks, and the environment was very good.
As he was slowly wheeling himself home, suddenly, there was a strong force on his back.
It hit him, and he fell down to the ground with his wheelchair.

From behind Ji Chen Ai, he could hear the loud laughter children.
He looked up from the ground and saw several schoolchildren running past him.
One of them picked up the football that had hit Ji Chen Ai, then turned to him and shouted, “Cripple, sorry ah.”

Ji Chen Ai looked at the children coldly and did not say a word.

Being stared at by Ji Chen Ai, the child began to feel a little guilty, but when he looked at the companions around him, his courage grew.
He said, “Next time, look around when you walk.”

Little children were the most innocent but also the cruellest; they had both the most beautiful and ugliest of minds.

Before Ji Chen Ai was able to say anything, Xiao Qi, with a high-pitched voice, screamed, “Shameless, too shameless, how dare they bully my host!!!! I’m gonna beat him!!!”

This was the first time Ji Chen Ai saw Xiao Qi so excited.
Even with Liu Ziming’s case before, Xiao Qi’s response wasn’t that big, so Ji Chen Ai asked, “Why is your reaction so big?”

Xiao Qi said: “Children are the hope of the world.
How can they do that?”

It’s very difficult for Ji Chen Ai to climb back to his wheelchair, and said wheelchair had been turned over.
His elbows were covered with scratches.
When Ji Chen Ai saw that the children weren’t coming to help him but instead whispering while watching, he was too lazy to move.

Xiao Qi said: “I’m going to turn on the ‘Negative Energy Punishment System’.”

Ji Chen Ai asked, “What is that?”

“Let them feel the beauty of the world!” said Xiao Qi.

“……Speak human,” replied Ji Chen Ai.

Xiao Qi: “Oh, for those who have too much negative energy, they should be humanely destroyed.”

Ji Chen Ai: “……” Humanely destroyed? The man who made Xiao Qi was really full of malice for the world.

“Are you serious?” Ji Chen Ai asked.

Xiao Qi: “I’m kidding.”

Ji Chen Ai: “……”

Seeing that Ji Chen Ai didn’t reply, Xiao Qi continued to speak, “However, your body has a lot of negative energy, and it is totally possible for you to start the punishment system.”

During Xiao Qi’s speech, Ji Chen Ai saw a change in the interface that was supposed to show ‘positive energy’.
In the lower right corner, a small progress bar indicating ‘negative energy’ was displayed.
It was just that the positive energy hadn’t yet reached the first level, while the negative energy had already reached the second level.

Xiao Qi said: “The negative energy has reached 10,000 points, start the punishment system.” Having said that, several bright buttons appeared in front of Ji Chen Ai, which showed ‘The Devil’s Smile’, ‘The End of the Liar’, ‘The Stealer’s Regret’, and a few grey buttons behind them.

Ji Chen Ai looked at the explanations under those buttons and found that they were somewhat ambiguous.
Under the ‘The Devil’s Smile’, it stated, “Smile, smile.
People who are malicious to the world will all smile.”

“What’s the use of this?” Ji Chen Ai asked.

Xiao Qi did not answer his question: “Recommend the host to use the ‘The Devil’s Smile’.”

Ji Chen Ai raised his head.
He looked at the children who were whispering and looking at him with their mocking eyes, and said, “Use the ‘The Devil’s Smile’.”

The devil smile is a middle grade charm made by several immortal thousnd years ago

The talking children stopped abruptly and stood still in their place.
Originally, their faces were full of malicious taunts, but now, the faces of mockery changed to reveal brilliant smiles.

Those smiles were so brilliant, as if they were formed after witnessing something extremely beautiful.
It was just that, after seeing this smile for a while, it somehow made people feel a little chill behind their backs.

The smiling children stopped talking.
Instead, they came towards Ji Chen Ai and helped him lift his wheelchair.
Then, they carefully carried Ji Chen Ai to the wheelchair.
During this period, none of them spoke; all of them were silent and just smiled.

After doing all of this, the children bowed to Ji Chen Ai and hurriedly ran away.

At this time, there were only two people left on the busy road–one was Ji Chen Ai, and the other was a little girl who didn’t have a sense of existence.

The little girl’s face was full of surprise, her eyes filled with horror as she looked at Ji Chen Ai. She didn’t understand what had happened–why did the bad boys suddenly change their attitudes?

“Why is she okay?” Ji Chen Ai asked.

Xiao Qi: “Only those who are malicious to you will be punished.
She was not malicious to you, so she will not smile.”

However, before Ji Chen Ai could ask anything, the little girl screamed and ran away.
Once, she fell flat to the ground, but she quickly picked herself up and continued running away; there was hints of panic and desperation in her movements.

“What will happen to those children?” Ji Chen Ai asked.

Xiao Qi hummed, “They will love the world.”

After listening to Xiao Qi, Ji Chen Ai laughed, his laughter so brilliant he could compete with those children just now.
He thought that Xiao Qi should be called a ‘Negative Energy System’ instead of a ‘Positive Energy System’.

Ji Chen Ai said, “Um, let’s go home.”

Little did they know what happen today was seen by someone dangerous…

The wound on his hand was obvious, so Ji Chen Ai wanted to go home and deal with it first.
But, by the time he got home, Zhou YaoYun was already there.

Ji Chen Ai pushed the door open and saw Zhou Yaoyun sitting in the living room, smiling while watching TV.

As soon as Zhou Yaoyun noticed that Ji Chen Ai had came back, he stood up and walked towards him.
Naturally, because Ji Chen Ai was wearing short sleeves, he could see the wounds on Ji Chen Ai’s arms at a glance.

Zhou Yaoyun’s face changed, “Brother, what happened to your hands?”

Ji Chen Ai replied, “I accidentally fell and hurt myself.”

Zhou Yaoyun pursed his lips, saying nothing as he turned to the bedroom and took the saltwater and cotton swabs.

Ji Chen Ai’s arms were all scratched up.
With his pale skin, the injuries looked particularly miserable.
Zhou Yaoyun half crouched beside him and did not speak, silently dealing with Ji Chen Ai’s wounds.

Ji Chen Ai knew that Zhou Yaoyun was angry, but he didn’t know how to comfort him, so the atmosphere between them became somewhat depressing.
When Zhou Yaoyun finished handling the wound, he said, “I’ll take you to get a tetanus shot tomorrow.”

“Don’t need…” Ji Chen Ai rejected.
It’s quite laughable: Ji Chen Ai wasn’t scared of anything except injections, especially intramuscular ones.

Zhou Yaoyun’s face became even more ugly.
He said, “Brother, can you cherish yourself a little bit?”

Ji Chen Ai opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but no words came out of his mouth.
He looked at Zhou Yaoyun, who was sulking, and suddenly thought that if he had such a brother, he would not choose to commit suicide.

Because Zhao Yaoyun was angry, Ji Chen Ai’s lunch was only a bowl of chicken egg noodles with clear soup[2].
Zhou Yaoyun placed a delicious taro chicken [3] in front of Ji Chen Ai.
However, when Ji Chen Ai stretch his chopsticks to take it, Zhou Yaoyun said in a dull tone: “You can’t eat soy sauce because you have a wound on your body.” After that, he moved the taro chicken to his side.



Ji Chen Ai looked at Zhou Yaoyun, who had no expression on his face, and looked at the pitiful noodles in his bowl.
Finally, he sighed and continued to eat the noodles.

After dinner, when Ji Chen Ai was about to leave the table, Zhou Yaoyun suddenly called, “Brother.”

Ji Chen Ai turned his head and responded.

Zhou Yaoyun said, “Brother, why don’t you tell me anything?”

Ji Chen Ai was stunned for a while and didn’t quite understand Zhou Yaoyun’s meaning.

Zhou Yaoyun said, “You didn’t fall on your own today.”

Ji Chen Ai instantly understood why Zhou Yaoyun was so angry.
It turned out that he was angry because Ji Chen Ai refused to tell him why he was injured.

Ji Chen Ai said, “Hmm, the kid who was playing football accidentally hit me with the ball.”

Zhou Yaoyun’s face was instantly filled with anger.
He said, “Brother, which family’s children? You know all the children around you.
Tell me.”

Ji Chen Ai probably knew who the children were, but he didn’t want to tell him.

Zhou Yaoyun understood what Ji Chen Ai was thinking from his expression.
The hand that hung by his side became a fist.
Finally, without saying anything, he picked up the bowl and went to the kitchen.

Ji Chen Ai looked at Zhou Yaoyun’s back and suddenly felt a little helpless.
How could he tell Zhou Yaoyun which kid it was? If Zhou Yaoyun went to look for that kid, and the children’s family found out that their child’s abnormal behaviour had something to do with Ji Chen Ai, what should he do then?

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