Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later

I am Satan


The world was stirring.
Although this may seem like a statement, it turned out to be quite accurate.

The United States moved first, followed by China and Korea.
Each country went to the lengths of introducing monetary rewards to those who can find the Seeds of Sundering.
This seemed logical.
If something goes wrong and the demons succeed in their plan these nations suffer a worse fate than monetary losses.
And with monetary rewards, countries incited more players than ever Players.

Where there is money, there are people.

And so ordinary Players were also included in the collection process.


[ Lord of Liberty this time, the demons take a big hit, hahaha, Players finally have jobs!!!

Light will scorch you!: But why do they scatter these things in different Gates?

-To divert attention?

– Are they not going to call someone again? haha

– Yes, it's obvious;

– And I'm at level 100 in LoL!!!

– It's good that they don't attack

-They say they already found more of these things, aha, demons!                                         ]

On the Internet, seed collection has become a topic of discussion.
People were excited about the opportunity to participate in the thwarting of yet another plan of the demons.
And this proved that they are petrified.

“Great.” Kang Woo, who was reading the news, smiled broadly.

Ten days have passed since the beginning of the collection of Seeds of the Sundering was ordered, and they have already managed to find quite a lot.
All this is because a monetary reward was instated.

“As expected, the monetary rewards are doing their job.”

There is no better way to get people to work than to wave money at them.
Thanks to the voluntary help of people and the active participation of the Guardians, the process went pretty smoothly.

“Although there were plenty of Seeds left to be collected.”

As motivating as the money was, the Players never made it to as far afield as the Middle East or South America.
If Seeds of the Sundering were here, it’s highly likely that they haven't been discovered yet.

“Still good.”

Kang Woo didn't know how the demons would proceed.
But he couldn't help but rejoice, seeing their perfect plan crumble day by day.
And even if they are going to summon the same number of demons as last time, it would only benefit him.

“ It's time to go out.”

Kang Woo exited the house and went to the roof.
He took out the orb from the Guardians and placed it on the floor.
In a moment, the transparent ball created a Gate leading to the Guardians' sanctuary.

“Looks like they're located in the US.”

The ball was allowed to move over the Pacific Ocean in an instant.
There is no way to describe something like this logically, it was only possible thanks to the most potent of magic.

Kang Woo took a step forward.
The portal wrapped around him swished and swirled around, and jarring his senses.

But this changed the next instant, and he soon found himself in a familiar room.

“Kang Woo, it’s you!”

As soon as he entered the room, Si Hong greeted him.
He had a special mission: he collected the Seeds located in the Gates of the Middle East, where ordinary Players couldn't reach.

“Sorry for interrupting your training.”

“Do not wrong.
I can’t calmly train while the world’s in shit.
And given where I'm going, it could prove a better workout.

“And how do you like the Middle East?”

Even compared to Shanghai, things are worse there,” Si Hong said sullenly.

Kang Woo nodded his head.

Shanghai and Sapporo still belonged to China and Japan, which were not abandoned regions, and therefore the cities were somehow followed.

But things were different with the Middle East and South America: after the Day of the Coup, the countries disappeared, giving way to the monsters that now live there.
It is clear why Si Hong is pessimistic about the area.

“Thank you.”

I heard that it is thanks to you that we can prevent another tragedy,” Si Hong said with pride in his voice and light in his eyes.

Kang Woo chuckled.

“That's what I should have done.
After all I am also a Guardian.

Even if you weren't a Guardian, you would’ve still done so.”

“Stop flattering me.
Let's go already.”

“Good,” Si Hong laughed lightly and followed Kang Woo.

They opened the door and saw Gaia.

“Good afternoon, Kang Woo”

“How are things?”

She smiled briefly.

The guys came to the table.

“As you can see.”

A hologram of Gaia appeared before them.
Light shrouded her from above, protecting her from external danger.
And that light continued to fade.

“The defense has become even weaker than before the collection of Seeds of Sundering.
If it continues like this, the situation will get dire.”

“It’s getting worse?

Gaia shook her head.

“Not necessarily.
The system stabilized three days ago.”

“God bless.”

But it wasn't because they managed to collect most of the Seeds.
After all, they barely collected most of them.

“Did we disrupt their plans?”

Given that they no longer manifested themselves it was a possibility.
It looks like they managed to sort this out.

“Although we didn’t collapse into complete chaos thanks to Kang Woo’s quick reaction, we were able to minimize the losses.
Thank you.” Gaia bowed her head.

“Please, don’t mention it.
Where are the Seeds of Sundering now?”

Kang Woo came today to inquire into this.
He was going to find out where the Seeds of Sundering were being stored.

“This way.”

Grace pulled Gaia's wheelchair towards her.
Following her, they passed through yet another Gate.
As soon as they came out of there, the warm rays of the sun began to fall on them before they appeared in an immensely large space.

“This is…” Kang Woo’s eyes shone.

Kang Woo had dreamed of visiting this place, admiring the photographs.

“The Grand Canyon.”

“It’s massive …”

Si Hong, apparently seeing this for the first time, looked around.
The canyon had such a majestic view that one could feel the power of nature.
Its scale.
It was so grand that it was already breathtaking.

“There is a secret warehouse of the Guardians in the gorge.
It is there that the Seeds of the Sundering are stored.”

“Isn't it a well-known place for a secret warehouse?”

The Grand Canyon was indeed a popular tourist destination.
Although the number of tourists dropped sharply after Revolution Day, the word “secret” did not fit such a place.

Gaia laughed slightly.

The canyon is incredibly huge.
Tourists see only part of it but do not reach here.

“Ahh…” He nodded his head and followed her.

Going down the gorge, Gaia stopped in front of a brick wall.

“Defender Jae Kal Hyun, this is Gaia.”

“Oh, you have arrived,” a voice carried from behind the wall.

“What is this…?” Si Hong looked around in surprise.

What happened next is hard to believe.

With a slight breeze, the brick wall disappeared before their eyes, and a silver door appeared in its place.

“Hmm…” Kang Woo stared at the door.

Even he didn't catch any presence.

Grace said, “This is a unique technique used by Jae Kal Hyun.
Only he can do that.

“A unique technique…”

 “Amazing, isn't it?” She smiled and opened the door.

A long-haired man dressed in a neat suit came out to them.

“You must be new.
Kang Woo and Si Hoon, nice to meet you.
My name is Jae Kal Hyun.”

They shook hands.
As soon as they got inside the warehouse, his explanation continued:

“I created this warehouse and guarded it with the help of other special techniques.
So if you were to suddenly decide to come without warning, I can retaliate.”

“Jae Kal Hyun is currently studying the Seeds.”

Yes, but so far, I haven’t made much progress,” the man smiled.

They went to a door marked '04', which he opens.

“This is the vault where the collected Seeds of the Sunder are stored.”

“Oh…” Kang Woo’s eyes sparkled.

He couldn’t count all of them but he could make out at least a hundred gathered there.

His mouth started salivating.
He desired to release Man Ma Jeong through the collected Sunder Seeds immediately.

“But you have to be patient.”

Now is not the right time.

He looked around when he caught himself and held one hand down with the other.
The black ring on his middle finger became liquid and glassy on the floor.
Immediately, Kang Woo's face showed concern.

“demons aren’t trying to attack this warehouse?” Si Hong asked.

Jae Kal Hyun lightly laughed.

“Why don't they try? Aren’t they doing everything to find the Seeds of Sundering.”

“So it’s dangerous…”

 “But it’s okay,” Jae Kal Hyun said confidently.
“My technique is not so simple.
This place is so safe that even the demon from the prophecy cannot get through here.
No, he won't even know where this place is.”

He was very confident in his abilities.
Grace continued to speak:

“Yes, he might sound cocky, but he is deserving of trust.
He may lack combat skills, but he is good at this.

“Haha, it’s just that you were my opponent.
I'm not bad at combat either.”

So, along with playful conversations, their trip to the warehouse ended.

“Let's go back.”

Now I am calm, looking at the fact that the place with the Seeds is under reliable protection.”

Kang Woo lightly laughed as they headed towards the Guardian Shrine.

“By the way, how about dinner at our house?”

“ What?”


“At your home?” Gaia and Si Hong asked in surprise after receiving a sudden offer from Kang Woo.

Kang Woo laughed,

It might sound boastful, but our dinners are quite delicious.


“Gaia, I understand your position, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to come out.
At least for dinner.”

Doubt crossed Gaia's face.
She was the head of a secret organization and therefore could not do anything she fancied.
Much less an informal dinner.

“Haha, tempting offer!” Si Hong supported Kang Woo's proposal.

To be honest, he also wanted Gaia to join.

“What are we going to do, Grace?” Gaia asked with concern in her voice.

Grace laughed a little and patted Gaia on the shoulder.

“Sometimes it pays to get out.”


“We are going to dine at the house of not some stranger, but one of the Guardians.
Isn't it essential that the leader knows how the members of her group live?”

“You poke fun at me,” Gaia pouted her lips.

Grace laughed out loud.

“So it's decided!”

Kang Woo smiled and turned away.

“Is Han Sol cooking dinner tonight?”

Swallowing, Kang Woo headed home.
He was followed by Xi Hong, Grace, and Gaia.


“It feels like I'll never understand this.” The long-haired man sighed.

Jae Kal Hyun.

An experienced Player with unique techniques and a Defender selected by the system.

He lowered his weary gaze to the black cross lying on the table.

“How did they do such a thing?”

At that moment, he realized that they didn't know much about the demons.

“Get some rest, right?”

He made himself some tea and leaned back in his chair.

“Kim Si Hoon, so…”

He remembered the face of the guy he met today.

Never before had he met a man capable of so much charm by appearance alone.


And it was not only about beauty.
At a glance, you can understand that Si Hong has tremendous strength.

“And a Kang Woo next to him?”

He heard that even though he was not a Defender, he managed to join the Guardians.


Jae Kal Hyun frowned as if he wasn’t very pleased with what was happening.
He didn't like that someone outside of the Defenders could become a Guardian.

“It’s scary what the implications could be.”

Most likely, if Si Hong didn’t give special treatment, then Kang Woo would not have been able to become a Guardian.

“Time to get back to work.”

He put the mug of tea on the table.
He has a lot of research papers to fill out.

If it doesn't work the first time, you have to try again.
If it doesn't work out the second, you need to try again.

“Well, given that he offered to collect Seeds of Sundering, then he is no fool.”

He heard that it was the rookie, Kang Woo who proposed.
Jae Kal Hyun leaned back in his chair again, holding the black cross in his hand.

At that moment, a strong tremor shook the warehouse.

“Wh… what?!” He immediately shot up from his seat.

Jae Kal Hyun raised his hand, and an intricate pattern appeared.
He saw who was outside.

“It’s… it’s…”

A red mask popped out from the darkness.
Jae Kal Hyun looked to the security cameras when his gaze was met by the gaze of the demon in the red mask.

Goosebumps ran through Jae Kal Hyun’s body.

His entire body trembled.
He remembered all of what Gaia had told him.
He didn’t have any difficulty guessing who it was.

“Sa… Satan…”

The demon from prophecy.

The warehouse was being attacked by the strongest and most terrible lord of Hell.

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