Out of Wits

Lin Ruoxi was standing behind Guo Xuehua while holding Lanlans hand. Lanlan was rubbing her eyes from waking up early in the morning. She didnt really care about the memorial services as long as she could eat breakfast after this.

Although Yang Lanlan wasnt thebiological daughter of Yang Chen, Yang Gongming had acknowledged her as part of the clan, so naturally, she needed to pay her respects to the ancestors.

Lin Ruoxis hands were clammy from anxiety. It was normal for them to ask her about Yang Chen but she kicked Yang Chen out of their room yesterday, so there was no way she would know about his whereabouts!

This troublesome man, he shouldve reflected on himself when she locked him out the previous day. He must have gone to his other lovers and the thought of this sucked the colour off of her face.

Her breath quickened from not being able to tell them about her reasons.

“Grandpa…I…” Lin Ruoxi didnt know how to start explaining herself. She couldnt possibly say she locked him outside of their room.

Guo Xuehua noticed her discomfort and she interjected, “How about we call him?”

“Hmph, this is outrageous. How could he disappear on such an important occasion?” Yang Pojun was displeased.

Others felt awkward to hear this, this wouldnt have happened if you could control your son.

“Dont call! Dont call! Im here!!”

Yang Chens voice was heard from the other end of the corridor. He was rubbing his hands on his pants as though he had just washed his hands.

Everyone was puzzled to see him come out of nowhere but it was relieving to see him here.

Yang Gongming furrowed his brows when he smelled something greasy on him, “Where did you go?”

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