My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1139: Fierce Beast

Black Robe

While Park Cheon and Zhenxiu were still setting a new passcode, the shrill cry of the security alarm abruptly pierced through the air!

Zhenxiu was scared stiff as she squeaked timidly. “Grandfather, whats happening?!”

Park Cheon was also startled, but he promptly regained composure. He flipped the box shut, removed the star and the crescent, and placed the box back into the safe.

“Its a security alarm. The Swiss Bank must have been breached. Lets get out of here quick!”

The two of them dashed out of the room in a hurry and were just about to scurry toward the elevator when they halted in their steps, frozen to the spot!

The only scene that welcomed them was the listless body of Deputy CEO Donald, who had just ushered them in with the brightest smile not too long ago!

Terror and despair clouded Donalds tense face. His eyes were widened in fear as blood streamed out of every orifice.

In his hand laid a pistol. It was a pity it seemed he had died horribly before he could retaliate.

Standing by Donalds corpse was a figure in a black robe and a mask with protruding fangs. Right at that moment, his head gradually spun toward their direction.

“Found it… Theyve been hiding it really well…”

Black Robe stalked toward Park Cheon and Zhenxiu and a hoarse voice boomed from behind the mask.

“You… Who are you?!” asked Park Cheon tentatively, fear evident in his tone. He had managed to catch on to Black Robes aim.

Black Robe cackled uncannily. “Please, I am not interested in killing mortals. Just get out of my way! I will take what I want and you shall live!”

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