Guildmaster of Taeguk Shield.
He suddenly bent low at the waist.

“Thank you.
I won’t disappoint you.”

He didn’t need to go this far… There was one last thing to say.

“If it looks like you will clash with Imperialism, contact me.”


Summary: Guildmaster who met a Reliable Hyung


But he was actually way older than me…

Song Kiyeol squeezed my hand.

“Thank you.”

* * *

My teammates and I—we still didn’t even have a proper guild name yet—cleared the Gyeonghoeru field multiple times.

I gotta say, you’re like a real scumbag.
Like for reals.”

“How so?”

“We have to grind anyway, but you threatened all sorts of quests out of Miss Senia.
We have to do this anyway, but you’re just shamelessly squeezing her dry.”

“Like you said, we have to do this anyway.
I’m just doing it in the most efficient way.”

Quests with time limits.
Quests that gave special rewards.
Quests where one of us didn’t move.
In truth, they were all minor quests that couldn’t be called ‘main’ quests.
All of them were given independently by Senia.

“Doesn’t giving quests also take Coins?”

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Yoohyun rubbed his nose.
“They’re not Hyungnim’s Coins anyway, so who cares?”

“But that slender and beautiful angel’s Coins are being stripped away!”

“Do you dislike it, then?”

“No, I love it.” Sung-gu stared at me with a snicker.
“I love you, Hyukjin.
I love that you’re a scumbag.”


Was it my imagination, or did Isabel’s blade tremble just now?

In any case, we cleared Senia’s quests.
Since they weren’t big quests, the rewards themselves were also small, but we were still able to secure a few more Coins and a few more rewards.
And since the quests added a little more variety to our Playing, the number of Guardians leaving the channel should naturally be reduced.

Yeonseo asked, “Boss Hyukjin.
There’s no sense of tension here anymore.
It’s no fun.
Can’t we go clear some other place?”


“Ah! Whyyyyy!”

“Leveling is slower in other places.
Our goal is level 40.”

It was boring, but there was no helping it.
This was the fastest route to get into the mid-game.
We had to continue this boring work for at least three months.

‘Actually, even three months is super fast.’

Yeonseo pouted her lips a little.
She pretended to sulk with an obviously fake voice.


Why was it… that the Shin Yeonseo I was personally experiencing seemed awfully different from the Shin Yeonseo I saw through mass media?

It’s not important.’

Yeonseo’s personality and cutesy act were secondary; her skills were the real deal.
I had yet to come across any Players with classes related to the ‘sword’ more outstanding than Yeonseo.

Sunghyun said, “The levels of the Korean server Players are rising quickly thanks to Hyung.”

That was especially true for the top Rankers.
The phrase ‘the rich get richer, the poor get poorer’ was going around in the media, and it was also called a social issue.
That was because we were still in the transition phase.

‘The rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer is going to become even more severe here on out.’

As unfortunate as it was, this thing called ‘Playing’ was strictly ruled by ‘talent’.
The ideal society would only get further and further away.
In sports, talent was commonly said to be king, but talent was even more important in Playing, to the point that if you weren’t born with talent, it was almost impossible to succeed in Playing.

It was truly unfortunate, but that was reality.

Sunhwa seemed a little displeased by something.
“But you know, my oppa is the one who shared the strategy… but everyone thinks it’s Taeguk Shield who did it.
I don’t like that.”

She was pursing her lips and whining, so I rubbed her head.
Somehow, this kid was really cute when she was grumbling.
Oftentimes, she reminded me of a puppy.

In any case, we were in the middle of clearing the Gyeonghoeru on repeat.
A lot of other Players were challenging the Gyeonghoeru, and the number of Players who went missing or died rose proportionately.
Day by day, new incidents popped up.

New monster appeared in Siheung.

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Monkey monster found at the Bugak Palgakjeong Pavilion.

The 10 reckless Players who challenged the Gyeonghoeru field.

And in the end, Taeguk Shield also took action.

Taeguk Shield expands into the Boracay server.

The first Korean guild to officially expand into a different server.

They would probably be able to acquire mana crystals, even if they had to go to war with Imperialism.
Of course, Taeguk Shield was the focus of the media.
They were a guild strong enough to control the press.
It was only natural.

“Let’s stop here for today.
Don’t waste your strength on pointless things and rest.
I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

Our average level was now 35.
Leveling would get even harder from here on out.

“I’ll just do three PVPs before I go home.”


There was no use trying to stop her—she wouldn’t listen.
Besides, Yeonseo wouldn’t tire even after three rounds of PVP.
I just let her be.

We all parted ways.
I got into the super high class sedan Song Kiyeol prepared for me.
The driver greeted me respectfully.

“I will escort you home in comfort, sir.”

He gave me an excessively servile bow.
I told him time and time again that he didn’t need to be so polite, but he kept it up anyway, and I gave up.
If this was what he was comfortable with, it was better to just let him be.

I let myself relax into the First Class cabin seat.

‘It is comfortable, to be sure.’

Sunhwa was already snoozing away on the seat next to mine.
She must have been tired.

‘Should have gotten one sooner.’

I should have asked for a car earlier.
We could simply get in without having to deal with any hassle.
It was way nicer and more comfortable than buying a car myself.


I hastily pressed the intercom button.

“Mister, hold on one sec.”

The car came to a stop.

“Please wait here for a moment.”

I heard the driver acquiesce over the intercom, and I got out of the car.
Here, in the vicinity of the Gwanghwamun Dungeon, I spotted someone walking with quick strides.

‘Why is he here?’

A certain Player that shouldn’t be in the Korean server at this point in time had made an appearance.



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