g with the nearby Sky-33 and 37 it descended, and identified that it was a devil beast like a huge dragon.

(Sky-45 reporting.
Detected a huge dragon.
It seems to be the main source of the Magic Energy.
The dragon is carnivorous.
It has been confirmed to prey on nearby fish.)

The information was sent through the ManaComs that were distributed to everyone the other day.

(Hourai Island, roger that.
Send a picture too.
Continue observing the target afterwards.)

(Sky-45, roger that.)

In addition, Sky-25, 48, 49, and 50 arrived.
Now there wouldn’t be the slightest chance to overlook anything.

Sky-45 was took a picture with the Magic Eye it was fitted with to use in cartographing, and sent it to Laozi.

Laozi analyzed the picture received from Sky-45 and considered how to deal with it.

The target is a devil beast.

If left as it is, the likelihood is high that it will eat all the fish around Hourai Island.

The devil beast is carnivorous.

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Immediate extermination upon it entering the sea area under Hourai Island’s control.

For the master Jin, the raw materials should be secured.

* * *

The Sea Dragon kept moving south at a speed of about 40 kilometers per hour.
In course of it, it found the palce where the Magic Energy concentration was at its highest.

It was from land, but the dragon sensed an unbelievably large amount of Mana.

The Mana was leakage from the Magi Crystals stored on Hourai Island.

Only slightly changing its course, the Sea Dragon sped up and swam towards the source of the Mana.

After getting considerably closer to the source of the Magic Energy, the Sea Dragon noticed tiny sources of Magic Energy dotted around the sky above the sea.

It wasn’t as much as the Magic Energy it was heading towards, but it also wanted to fill its stomach with these and surfaced.
At that time, from overhead a thin light descended.

It easily pierced the right hind leg of the Sea Dragon that not even the fangs of Death Serpents could wound.

* * *

When the Sea Dragon entered the sea area 50 kilometers away from Hourai Island, it was clear that it was aiming towards the island.

Laozi ordered the attack.

First, Sky-25 who was flying just overhead fired a single [Laser].
It pierced the Sea Dragon’s right hind leg.

(Sky-25 reporting.
[Laser] is effective on the enemy.)

(Hourai Island, roger that.
Have the Air Force on the scene attack using [Laser].
However, to the best of your ability, aim at the head and chest which appear to be vital spots.)

(Sky-25, 29, 41, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, roger that.)

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Then they simultaneously opened fire with the twin [Lasers] each of the nine Albatrosses had as air-to-ground ordnance.

The focused optical weapons like thin needles directly hit the panicked Sea Dragon that was about to escape into the sea.

11 [Laser] beams hit the head, 4 beams hit the chest, and one hit the tail.

The Sea Dragon’s life came to an end before it could understand what was happening.
Not even blood flowed out.

(Sky-45 reporting.
Target neutralized successfully.
No damage was taken.)

(Hourai Island, roger that.
Leave the dissection and the securing of the materials to the Navy that’s on site.
Air Force, excluding units from Sky-41 to Sky-50, return to the island.
Sky-41 to Sky-50, scout out whether or not there are additional anomalies in a 500-kilometer radius.)

(Roger that.)

(Army, call off alert state one and return.)

(Roger that.)

The Sea Dragon’s materials were put into the treasury.
The horns, fangs, claws, scales, bone were for items using Magic Energy, and the flesh was an ingredient for tonics.
The leather had a higher durability than that of a Sham Dragon’s.

(The blood has plenty of Magic Energy, so it should be stored in the cold in case it can be used for something.)

Laozi decided to preserve the the blood, almost none of which had poured out.

Later on, the membrane of the wings that were comparatively small for its large body would be put to use on Reiko, and once again her performance would increase.

In addition, the preserved blood would play an important part in the future, but that’s a story for the distant future.

Laozi evaluated his own response and was satisfied.

(I’m sure master will also be satisfied.)

Thus, Hourai Island’s managing magical intelligence Laozi’s first mission came to an end.

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