to go back. 

If she said she couldn’t remember anything and said she would continue working as a maid, would her parents let her go? 

But she remembered because she became Elysia. 

Elysia played an insignificant role in the original novel.

“What are you thinking about?”

Eleon, who was watching her carefully, reacts like this again whether it was before or now. 

Elysia answered with a short sigh.

“I was thinking of what to say.”


“I remember now.
There’s no way I’d hate it.
If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t have been able to finish my first dance with Your Highness.”

“Ha ha ha.”

When Eleon laughed out loud, some of those who were dancing staggered. 

And the whispering grew louder.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Ask me whatever you want.”

Elysia asked, holding his hand again.

“Can you see well now?”

Eleon’s eyebrows went up.

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“I don’t mean anything else.
I heard that you have been sick for a long time. Then I thought you might be uncomfortable.”

“Not at all.”

Eleon answered kindly.

“I’m fine, but my butler is more annoying.
He called all of the doctors in the capital saying that if I saw the light it would hurt my eyes more.
Thanks to him, I’ve been locked up in my bedroom for three days.”

Ha ha ha.”

If it was Bernard, he was capable enough.

“Why are you laughing?”

“It’s funny that Your Highness listened to the butler.
It seems like you are the kind of person who will do whatever you set your mind to.
Like when you danced with me twice.”

Besides, Eleon took her to the dance floor before the Empress could finish speaking. 

She was very uncomfortable upon learning that the Empress’s true intentions were to bring her and Sabiel together.

That can’t be said.”


“I didn’t listen to the butler.”

Elysia’s body rotated to the other side.

“I was threatened.”

“Yes? You were threatened?”

Bernard, who became his butler because he admired him, threatened him.

It was impossible.

“There is a woman I am looking for.”


For a moment, Elysia stopped. 

But Eleon skillfully put his arms around her waist and pulled her into his arms, as if embracing her, lifted her, and moved her to the other side. 

Elysia hurriedly started dancing again.

“If I don’t do as the butler says, when I find her, he will tell her that I left the house without being diagnosed.
If she knew, she would be mad and worried that I went around as soon as I opened my eyes.”

Elysia felt the inside of her throat itch.

     I thought everyone would forget me soon.

The butler still remembered Rona.
Besides, Eleon is looking for her too.

     I thought we’d just get along.

Do I still mean that much to him? Am I so important to him that he’s afraid I’ll get mad because he didn’t take care of his eyes?

She felt a warmth inside her for not being able to be honest with him.

The heat, which seemed to be subtle as if a lump of charcoal was on fire, was pressing down on one spot, making her heart beat faster and faster. 

Before she knew it, the second song was over.

Eleon held out his hand again.

“Since it’s like this, why don’t we create more trouble?”

“I like to live quietly.”

My Lady doesn’t seem to know who she is.
If you liked to live quietly, shouldn’t you have kicked your shin out in the middle of the second dance?”

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A large hand awaited Elysia.

     If I take this hand now.

She had a feeling that she could never go back.


At the same time, she heard a voice calling out to her.


It was Mariela with a puzzled face.

“Lady Elysia!”

When suddenly, Crown Prince Sabiel urgently approached, trying to ask her for a dance.

The next moment, Elysia grabbed Eleon’s hand again and headed to the dance floor.

“That’s unexpected.”

“Isn’t that what you wanted?”

They stood side by side, arm in arm, and joined the group dance.

“I hoped for it, but I didn’t know you were this bold.
I thought you would be shy because you had been a priest for a long time.”

“How did you know that?”

“If you don’t know about Priest Elysia, you’re a barbarian.”

“It’s a name that has already been excommunicated.”

     Is Eleon interested in Elysia? 

It occurred to her.

Karina deviated from the fate set in the original novel.
She should have heal Eleon’s eyes, and her role as Karina, who she should have fallen in love with him, was partly transferred to Rona. 

But Rona, who healed his eyes, is irrelevant. She simply disappeared from the story. 

She wondered if Eleon would live in a world without romance.

“By the way, why are you talking about another woman?”

Her voice trembled a bit, perhaps because of her selfishness.

“Am I talking about another woman?”

“You said you were looking for a woman.”

Elysia suddenly thought that she was jealous of herself as Rona. 

It made no sense to her, but it was a feeling that could only be explained like this.

“Did you find that woman?”

“Only half.”

Half? If you are looking for her, you find her or not.
What does half mean?

     He found Rona?

Elysia asked again puzzled.

“What kind of person is Your Highness looking for?”

Eleon smiled softly.

“Someone who will marry me.”

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