I Don’t Want This Reincarnation

Chapter 109: Episode 28. Angry Sheep

“Ahem. Ha Tae-heon-ssi.”

Anyway, this wasnt important. I got a cell phone and ran for an hour, so I brought up the story I was originally going to talk about.

“Thats the offer you made on the phone last time.”

“Did you mean to tell me to come to Roheon?”


How to say this. I couldnt speak easily and my lips were moist. Ha Tae-heon just looked at me quietly and waited without urging me.

“First of all, thank you so much for telling me youll help. Really. If the situation is right, Id like to rely on Ha Tae-heon-ssi, even if I had no shame. That… I still had something I n to do at Requiem.”

To be precise, it wasnt the Requiem but Cheon Sa-yeon, but I didnt want to mention Cheon Sa-yeons name in front of Ha Tae-heon, so I turned to Requiem and said it.

Ha Tae-heon, who listened to my words with calm eyes, opened his mouth with a not very unpleasant look.

“I expected it. You will refuse.”

“…is that so?”

“I heard that Requiem gave you a mental bodyguard.”

Ah. You already knew. Embarrassed, I touched the nape of my neck.

“Because Ive caused a lot of inconvenience to my surrounding. So I accepted it.”

“I dont know about the inconvenience, but it wasnt a bad decision if I thought about safety. If it were me, I would have attached a bodyguard on you.”

“But how did you know about the guard?”

“There was an article.”

Article? What kind of article was that popping up?

I tilted my head because I couldnt understand, but Ha Tae-heon looked at me with a complicated expression.

“Han Yi-gyeol. Then…”




What. Why did you stop talking. Ha Tae-heon turned away from me in embarrassment and got up from his seat.

“If youre done, Ill take you home, wait.”

With an empty mug in hand, Ha Tae-heon entered the kitchen. Being left alone, I leaned against the back of the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad that the story ended well so that Ha Tae-heon didnt feel bad. As soon as my mind was relieved, the sleepiness I had felt before began to come in earnest.

Ha Tae-heon, who left with his mug and thought he would come right away, was washing the dishes, and the sound of the dishes hitting each other could be heard all the way here.

Listening to the quiet rustling sound, I closed my eyes, unable to overcome the heavy eyelids. I couldnt stop the spirit that kept on stretching.

‘Just a little bit…

Lets stay like this until Ha Tae-heon came out to the living room. He would wake me up.

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