handed Haniel over to Selene.

I watched the back of the little cygnet, who was chirping along the way in an effort to not forget her name, disappearing in the distance as though she was getting dragged away.
I finally dusted my hands off and turned around as well.


So I was leaving this place after all.

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As someone who had found life in the lake satisfying, it was regrettable, but for the sake of Haniel’s safety there was no other way.

This place was swarming with both Lania and the Emperor.
If I considered how our young cygnet princess could live in peace, you could even call this a zone unsafe for youths.

Oh well.
They say Mencius’s mother moved three times for the sake of her son’s education, so as a swan mother, who says I can’t do the same!

“Hmm, perfect!”

I took the most glamorous feather ornament I owned and pinned it next to my ear.

This was what they called the elegant admissions ceremony look.

It might not be very suitable for someone who will be running away, but since this was the only admissions ceremony for my baby that I would ever attend in my life, I had to pay extra attention.

So what if I might take her out of the school one day? I still need to lift my dear Haniel’s spirits.

After wearing my very best, I collected the basket I had prepared in advance and went forth.

“Here we go.”

Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, everyone had gone to the reed forest to go see Lady Melleo’s admissions ceremony, so I barely ran into other animals during my path.

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Since we had been like family here, all cursed together and depending on each other in our own ways, I choked up a little in sorrow.


Everyone, please live well.
Let’s all stay alive and meet again in the future.

I sped up, even as I repeated farewells nobody would hear in my head.

Maybe because I had gone out to the city before, I didn’t get lost.

The fastest and most accurate way to get out of the lake was to walk straight down the road at the borders of the Winter Palace, in between the Palace and the Duke’s estate.

‘I better hurry.’

I needed to hide my things in the willow at the entrance of the side road and go back to find Haniel.

Though I had already promised her so firmly, my heart was in a hurry in case she might have started waiting for me already.

Since I kept speeding without rest, I began being able to see the familiar willow that seemed to divide the boundaries.

“Hah, keep waiting.”

Mommy will be there soon, so just a little more….

“Oh my.
Looks like you’re heading somewhere fun?”

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