he was in.

After a long time suppressing the pain, the man picked up his staff and stood up.

His face twisted in ferocity.

“Large Woman, how many times have I told you not to deal a blow to the head? It hurts terribly…”


Jiao Tangtang swept one leg across again and launched into another kick.
This time, the effects were symmetrical.
He was red on both sides of his head.

“Large Woman?” she sneered as she stuck out her heaving chest, “Although I like your prefix very much…”

“But it’s called Big Sister!”

“Sniff…” Xin Gugu cradled his head in his hands and sobbed, “Big Sister…”


At this moment, there was a vibration coming from Jiao Tangtang’s chest.

She frowned and reached to take out a jade scroll from her robes.

“What happened?”

Xin Gugu immediately looked up with curiosity.

“Does it not hurt anymore? Are you no longer pretending?” Jiao Tangtang rolled her eyes and extended her foot menacingly.

“Hey, don’t mess around! Your communication jade scroll!” Xin Gugu dodged quickly.

Jiao Tangtang snorted coldly and looked at the communication jade scroll in her hand again.

“Xu Xiaoshou?”

That day, they respected the Greedy the Cat Spirit’s choice and chose Xu Xiaoshou as the ghost beast host body.
Whether it was successful or whether it could create good fortune, no one knew.

But it was a fact that the price was a communication jade scroll.

Deep down, Jiao Tangtang did not want to answer this communication jade scroll.

She did not like talking to that young man…

Well, she could not exactly say that either.

Perhaps she just did not enjoy having to swallow the words on the tip of her tongue when she talked to him since he rendered her speechless every time.

After all, no ordinary person would like that.

But she had to answer it because Greedy the Cat Spirit was there.
If there was nothing urgent, he probably would not look for her.

Was it possible that something happened to Greedy the Cat Spirit?


She answered the jade scroll.

“Moxi Moxi?” A deep magnetic voice came from the other side, “Is this Miss Jiao Tangtang?”

Jiao Tangtang’s mouth twitched.

She did not beat around the bush and got to the point.
“What is wrong with Greedy the Cat Spirit?”

Xu Xiaoshou’s voice rang again, “Greedy the Cat Spirit is fine.
I just wanted to find you.”

Jiao Tangtang was speechless.

This guy… Could he not?

Was he so idle?

He had so much free time and did not spend it on cultivation.
Did he think that she gave him this communication jade scroll to answer his life problems and cure his boredom?

Her temper flared, and she instantly hung up the jade scroll.

Xin Gugu raised his eyes.
“What’s the matter? What did you say?”

“It’s nothing.
That guy is too idle!”

As Jiao Tangtang spoke, she was about to reinsert the jade scroll back into her chest, but the jade scroll vibrated again.


“Answer it?” Xin Gugu watched her in amusement.

This guy was gifted.
After only a few words, he could already drive her up the wall.

That was indeed impressive.

If he could find an opportunity to learn from him, would he impart this skill?

“If you’re not answering it, may I?” Xin Gugu asked, extending his hand.

Jiao Tangtang gave him a sideways glance but paid no attention to him.
She pressed the receive button on the jade scroll and hollered.

“Xu Xiaoshou! If you have nothing serious, don’t call this–”

Just then, a pitiful squeal interrupted her from the other end.

“Meow! Hiss!”

Was this…

A cat meowing?

Jiao Tangtang’s face turned green.
How much pain did the cat endure for it to cry like this?

Was Greedy the Cat Spirit being abused?

At this time, the woman’s murderous intent surged to the sky.
Beside her, Xin Gugu was taken by surprise as well.

She coldly asked, “Xu Xiaoshou, do you have a death wish?”

On the other end, Xu Xiaoshou remained cool as a cucumber.
He was not affected by her emotions at all, and his voice was level and even.

“Sister, please watch your words.”

“The cat is in my hands.
If you dare to hang up on me in the future, you may never hear this meow again!”

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