
Aaron Patterson opens his eyes they are feeling really heavy to open. he opens his eyes. he is feeling a headache. After his girlfriend leaves the bar He drank so much in his whole life he never drank so much in a single day. he goes to the bathroom and takes a bath and goes downstairs to have breakfast. as near he reached the breakfast table he hears someone arguing. he sees that his mom and dad arguing about something he reached there he heard his mom say to his dad

”She is not going to live here. I do not allow her to live in my family. she is already living by herself why now does she want to come live with us ” His mom said angrily to dad

”Diana she needs us she has no one beside us, ” Dad said

”What is happening here? ” He asked

”Asked your dad, he wants his illegitimate child to live with us, ” Mom said

”What, How can you do this to us, ” He said shocked with an angry expression

”She has no one and I promised her mom that I will take care of her and she will be here any minute, ” Dad said

Then they hear a doorbell his dad tells Maria their home taker to open the door and take her inside.

He was looking at his mom her tears rolling over her cheeks and she has a hurt expression on her face.

”Hello, How are you, ” His dad said

When He looked where his dad is looking He freeze He doesn feel his legs. Those two months he spent with this girl who is standing in front of him are flashing in my memory. Because Mia who is his girlfriend was standing in front of him. She also has a shocked expression.

”Meet my wife Diana and my son Aaron, ” dad said to her

”Hh hello Mrs.Patterson and Mr. Patterson, ” she said while stuttering

Mom didn say anything to her and he was looking at her he don know what to say.

He didn say anything he just walked away from there and go upstairs to his room. when he reached his room he seat on his bed and run his hand through his hair. How can this happen?

He wears his suit and leaves for the office. Instead of going directly to his office, he goes to dads office.

”Dad, is she your daughter? ” he asked

Dad didn say anything just looking at the file in his hand. then looked up and said

”Aaron this is an office, not the right area to discuss family problems and she is your sister I am hoping you will respect her. Now go to your office ”

”I am asking something from you dad just answer me, ” He said to his dad.

”Aaron I don want to talk. ” His dad said.

.He looked at his father in disbelief.

”Why don you explain us, dad? ” He said to his father.

His dad didn say anything.





He comes to his office. He sat on his chair and rest his head on the chair back and close his eyes. I can believe this how can Mia is my stepsister? I had s*x with My sister. How can I commit such a sin? How can I feel love towards my sister? Now I am having f**king really bad headache. all the thoughts going through his mind.

He hears a knock. he said nothing after two knocks he hear the door opening sound. he knows who he is.

”Kane I am not in the mood to work I am having a really bad headache, ” he said

”Don worry I am not here for work I just want to ask you did you talk to Mia? ” Kane asked

”Mia is at my home dude, ” he said

”What? what is she doing at your home, ” Kane asked

”My dad brought her to my house, ” he said

”Why does he do this? Kane asked

” Because she is his illegitimate daughter and my sister, ” he said

”f**k, ” he said with a shocked expression

” Now what do you plan to do? ” Kane asked

”I don know, ” he said

After 10 minutes of silence,

”I don know what you should do but I advise you don tell your feelings about her. If you tell her your feelings in the current scenario you both going to be hurt in the end. If you don tell her it is only you who will be hurting. I am sure she will not be hurt much because she already experience last night she can move on if you don tell her anything. Its totally up to you what you want to do ” Kane said and left the office

”I don know what to do ” he mumbled

At night

Aaron reached home and freshen up and go downstairs for dinner mom, dad, and mia were already sitting there. he just sits beside mom. it was a silent dinner. after dinner, everyone goes to their room.

It was midnight he didn feel like sleeping. he woke up from bed and go to Mias room.

Aaron knocks on the room she opens the room.

”Can I come in? ” he asked

She nodded

”Mia, did you already know that I am your stepbrother? ” he asked

she shakes her head in no

Aaron sigh

”Look Mia if I know you
e my dads daughter I never do what we do, ” he said but was interrupted by her

”Do you think if I know you are my uncles son I will ever be agreed to be your girlfriend? Is this all bet for you Aaron? Do you never feel anything for me? these two months didn mean anything to you? ” she asked while tears rolling over her cheeks

”They don mean anything to me and I appreciate it if you behave like we don know each other, ” he said nonchalantly

Then she slapped him. And he leave the room and walked to his room and lay down on his bed.

”I deserve more than slapped My love ” he mumbled

2 months ago

At Bar

Aaron just reach the bar with his friends joe and henry for enjoying completing the project. He is looking around everywhere to find his best childhood friend Kane Lewis who works with him at his dads company but couldn find him. he knows Kane is sure flirting with one of the girls.

Then he noticed a girl dancing on the stage, she was wearing a black fitted dress and was enjoying it. Then when she removed her hair, she is very beautiful, He keep looking at her, and when he see his around everyone was looking at her, she is really beautiful.

Aarons heartbeat was going crazy. Then she came and sat by his side. he takes a chance ”Hey if you don mind can I buy you a drink ” he offers her a drink she looks at him with her blue eyes Smile a little and ignores him. He asked her a second time but she paid her bill and went outside the bar then He stood up and went after her. she is waiting for the taxi. He stand up beside her and clear my throat and said ”Hey Can I flirt with you? I am quite interested in you. ” Then she looks at him and turned her face away but he can see the smile on her beautiful face. he said, ”I am Aaron, and you? ” she didn reply. Then he said ”its ok if you don want to talk to me at least let me drive you to your house its pretty late ” she didn reply. he said ”If no taxi comes till I count 10, you will come with me ” he counted on 6 a taxi arrived. when she was going towards a taxi she turn around and said ”mia Simmons ” then she left. he was standing there and smiling like a fool and thinking in my 27 years no girl ever rejected him but she is a tough nut to crack. ”mia Simmons ” he repeated her words.

When Aaron returns to the bar, his friend Kane comes and hugs him on the shoulder and laughs, and said: ”whassup man, lets celebrate your first rejection from a girl ” Kane laughed a lot. Aaron take his vodka shot and said ” Man, I am going to make her fall in love with me I bet you ”

Next day-

Aaron is sitting in a meeting room with Kane because they have meetings with his dad. Aarons dad is a role model for him. he always looks at him with respect. but recently his mom and dad always fight because Aarons mom accused his dad to have an illegitimate child with his dads mistress. He loves mom the most in the whole world he can see tears in his eyes. now because dad she always cries. thats why he doesn talk to his dad much. And he hates how dad never explains anything to his mom and him.

His dad comes to the meeting in room Kane and he was looking at his face and he said: ” Aaron you have to go to perry architectures we need some architecture for a blueprint for our new opening of a hotel in Midtown. ” he left. Aaron and Kane were sitting Kane said ”you are not going to talk with your father ”.he just shake his head ”NO ”

they reached perry architectures for their meeting. they meet with the owner then they go to the meeting room Mr.perry praises his architecture so much. He looked around they build great architecture. they were in the meeting room and waiting for the Architecture he am looking at his mobile then Mr perry introduced his assistant then he look up to see her. he can even believe the girl he is finding on social media sites after last night she is standing in front of him. he was looking at her like a fool.

”Mia Simmons ” he mumbled.

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