being seeded now……♪”
And I was worn out.
While thrusting three fingers into her buttocks, sucking on her nipples intensely, I only could ejaculate at last.
Although my erection continues, my physical strength to move my waist is insufficient.
I have to take a day off.

What’s wrong, boy? You should release more”
“……I’m sorry, my stamina…….”
“…………Huhu, that’s a pitiful lie.
Well, it is not too bad to see the moon while having my womb screwed by you like this”
“You can move whenever you want to move again.
I’m so happy right now♪”
……Okay, it’s different from what I first calculated.
I am too absorbed in the rape play while making such a tremendously strong opponent fall and I feel something pretty muddy.

At the moment when I tried to move my waist until I could move again, a huge water column rose near us.

Laila who has sharp eyes for a moment and I are surprised.
I who laid down because of the procedure, look up in the water column with my face.
It was Anzeros and Dianne who was there.

“You’re an unpolished intruder.
Take your clothes off here”
It’s a bathhouse.

“You are……not a person”
Diane glares at Laila with his eyes full of vigilance and murderous intent.
If she looks at me with those eyes my heart will stop.

“Welcome to my Dragon Palace.
Thank you for this nice man.
Pleasing you”
Anzeros is one step behind kneeling lightly in the water.
She is ready to wield her sword from her waist at any time.
Dianne is silent without any arms before she muttered something.

“That man is my boyfriend, I want you to return him”
“I wonder.
He’s a little extraordinary, a little regrettable”
Uuh, Laila ignored her.

“I will get him back even if I need to use force”
“Against a dragon as the opponent, you’re a tough woman”
“Even if the other party is a dragon or the sword saint brigade, I won’t yield to anything”
Laila finally withdraws from me.
Semen drips down a little from her vagina which opened and Anzeros was blushing.

Bloodlust is emitted from Laila’s whole body.
It will be dangerous so I’m trying to get away……but I noticed that a strange string is attached on my wrist.
It is wound to a rock, so I cannot move.

“Ah, that is one of my treasures, not a chain of silk, so you can’t break it with your human strength”
“What is this!?”
“A gift for you.
I admit you are pretty good♪”

My penis is exposed! Looking upward! I can look at the battle of a dragon and a master knight!? The battle has started before I put my heart’s scream into shape.

“I will fight that one, look for a gap and bring Andy back”
“I also fight……”

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“You can’t”
Dianne was standing guard.
Laila ‘s hair blisters like she was waiting for it.

Laila pauses her fingers while swinging her arm from the bottom to the top.
At the moment, red flames are generated to rip off the blue darkness.
It became a fireball and flew toward Dianne.

Anzeros is startled.
Dianne´s eyes open and the next moment an impact.
A huge amount of water vapor occurs.

“100-man commander!?”
But, as to interrupt the cry, something brown flies from outside the sight.


Bam, a flying kick hits Laila and blows her away.
At that moment, Dianne jumped toward the wall and does a triangular kick to attack Laila again.
She is outside the water.
What an agility.

“Well, that’s interesting”
“Greetings ends now.
I will aim for your vital point next”
“It’s not even an aperitif for me right now”
Across the rocky island, the two of them smiled and leaped as if they were carnivores.
Flying kicks are exchanged with each other in the air and jumping to the wall, they are flying around the rocks and started a battle of fierce speed.

Aneros makes a chagrined face while avoiding flying rocks and fireballs.
Anzeros´s battle strategy is to crush her opponent with power and sword speed.
She is strong in following opponents apposition, but when it comes to boasting overwhelming mobility of the center of the battle, then Anzeros is in trouble with her heavy armor.

“……Smithson, go now!!”
Soon she gave up and ran towards me.
And then Anzeros swung her sword on the silk chain.

A stone that flew from sideways hit the swinging sword directly.
The sword bounces off.
Laila and Dianne are fighting at high speed near the ceiling and they do not have time to go to Anzeros side.
So why did the stone fly from the side?

“What are you going to do to 10-man captain!!”
Jeanne the dwarf girl jumped on the rocky island with a big jump while holding her hammer.
She threw a stone and is possibly misunderstanding the situation.

“Why is 10-man captain utterly stark naked and tied! Do you want to remove it! Who on earth are you, burying your head in the torso!!”
Ah as expected.

“……Smithson, who is this?”
“Ah, um……”
“I´m 10-man captain´s disciple! Jeanne Crux! If my master is in a pinch, it’s like water in the fire”
The fireball landed on the water and exploded.
Steam covered.
In a state where the fire and water are supposed to be terrible instead of a metaphor, Jeanne frowned with slightly sleepy eyes.

“Anyway, I will beat you!”
It seems I quit thinking.
I mean, I do not think of anything from this child first.

“It is a misunderstanding!”
“No misunderstanding! You are an experienced pervert who attacks 10-man captain!”
The pervert is not Anzeros.
I’d like to explain it properly, but I’m kind of embarrassed to make a crack to Laila and Jeanne’s beautiful friendship.

“I am not a pervert!”
“Pervert! Ya-iya-i!”
“No, it is wrong!”

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“I am not coming to you or I will receive your pervert bacteria, Idiot!”
You are an adult, so you’re being beaten up.
And in the day after tomorrow.

Kapon and Jeanne ‘s small body was hit by a water bottle nearby.

“Hey, please have a look”
It was Selenium who was the only person I couldn’t see before and who appeared right now and kicked Jeanne rudely.

“What are you doing, Andy-san?”
“……Did you see it all?”
Somewhat briefly, Selenium cuts the silk chain with a knife while showing a grin with emptiness feeling.
She is somewhat angry and has me on my balls.

“I was very worried about what you’re cheating on, Andy-san?”
“No, no, I’m really sorry”
“Well, it is fine.
I’m your female slave”
“But I want to be a female slave who is paid for being a female slave”
……No, since when did I became the female in a pinch.

“In particular?”
“Next time, before Dianne, don’t pull out after six times”
“……I promise”
“I did it.
I´m Andy’s favorite♪”
Selenium is kissing and hugging me.
I don’t quite understand what it is but I am increasingly feeling that my son is living up again in my lower body.
And then.

Two strong characters from the ceiling raised a voice at the same time and jumped down.
Jeanne almost simultaneously escaped from the crisis of drowning within the bottle and shouts.

“Wh, Who is this girl!? You don’t only have these two, but also a strong woman fetish”
“Selenium! t is too cowardly to use me as a decoy!”
“10, 10-man captain, who is she? Hu, how did you become free!!? Uwaah!!”
I do not care whether you are on good terms or not.

……Emmm, I won’t hide it, I´m Andy-san´s second female slave, Selenium Smithson and we both lost our virginities to each other!”
Selenium proudly shows off the collar.
After seeing Jeanne discouraging with an uncomfortable face, Laila confirmed Dianne’s neck.
There was no collar and Dianne shook her head like affirming it.
What is it that suddenly the eye contact has been completed in just a few seconds?

“……That means there is another female slave besides this half-elf and this dark Elf”
“……Boy, you’re a better ladies-killer than I imagined”
“No……No……No that……”
Anzeros who has not entered into a conversation is awkwardly burying her chin in her chin guard plate.

“……What, is she also a female slave? The pecking order is lower than I thought”
Other than Laila and Selenium who muttered like they were amazed by shaking their heads, everyone looked at me with a frightened face.
Please don’t look at me.
I don’t understand how the flow became like this.
No, I understand, but I don’t want to think.

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