Go Home a Like Turtle

Chap1. The Retreat of Youth

Someone realized that the young man bleeding on the sidewalk had a weapon from the uniformed men, so when do they lose the meaning of life?

Coming out of the Bipolar Multiverses and living in a family multiverse:

Bierny used to visit this family -This he observed-:

TDrive, like every father? He used to play natality with Alieny, they said, to each other: My son will be a teacher, because he always wanted to be one.

Alieny looked at him defiantly but confidently, and used to say, ”Shell be my doll! ” And it will appear on the shows page of the Bierny weekly. -Adding:

Although I haven decided yet: If it is preferable that he sing, dance or that he likes to act; Well, those desires he had when he was young.

Neither of the spouses treasured in their lives the tenderness, art or discipline of a good love. They only repeated what the media sold them as reinvented cultural ideals that are far from reality.

The TDrive, uses a local transport to three wheels, by the bad habits generations. He usually loses his mobility, this affects him so much that he is absent for weekly periods, fearing the worst in his family multiverse: cases that he sometimes tells.

Along with the Traddad: we usually hear their stories, by way of excuses and they are hard to believe.

It is that, the Tdriv, has failed more than once, has fallen so low and has regenerated so many times.

His bad habits are like a flag flying everywhere he goes.

And his children treasure his iniquity and are the ”black ” part that makes him return to the bipolar multiverses.

Only when they reach the age of majority, get married and have children, would they allow Tdriv to disengage completely.

Always when they want to do it, something that until now seems impossible.

Taraons Parallel Multiverse:

There was Taraon, his blood dripped from his head, to the height of his temple, he was kicked so many times by a uniformed man that one of his ears burst. He feared the worst.

He said a uniformed:

But has the problem already passed? Although I think its complicated.

In the struggle of the capture, feeling Taraon faint, looking for something to cling to so as not to fall abruptly, he hung on the weapon of the officer who was intervening.

Upon awakening, the scene was seen, lines above. Taraon: He had a gun in his hand. Two details could save him ”from a double sentence. ” First: the people who watched the scene expectantly. Second: the gun had not been fired.

Taraon had no powder residue on his hands. At least not this time.

The fight on the side of the XMonk and his minions the XMonky. They had left him exhausted and with a certain bodily weakness. Hardly: TDriv and Alieny, managed to transmigrate into human, and he returned home; he gave them the chance to reconnect with his human family. And one of his sons: Taraon was taking his first steps ”into social darkness ” unlike Sasry: whose life remained hidden from these other realities.

The portals in ”biparallel ” multiverses, of islands and reefs; they differed from enemies: depending on whether in the maritime scenario: in water – sky, and in the terrestrial scenario: land – sky, they had to assimilate that they are no longer there. And that another universe whose social background yearned for him: that of the family. It would open up to them on the horizon of natural personalities; for the biparallel multiverses: spiritual, divergent personalities are needed: the white or divine ones and the black or leviatic ones. Both created by the supreme Creator.

In the family universe:

This is how he woke up, Bierny, in the morning with a little man on top of him. And that he slept peacefully, while his little hands caressed him so many.

After a while his wife came and she kissed him, taking the child and whispered to him to come down to breakfast.

So that, later, I take the other son to high school and then the oldest daughter to university. This in another city.

After a while there was a strident noise from the young mans room and dance music from the eldest daughters room.

His functions as a family man competed with the work of being editor of the GenXPrays Weekly and its Octopus Supplement.

This supplement gave character to his purpose, through him: he had managed to rescue hundreds of young people from the clutches of the bad guys. Immersed in a parallel multiverse: earth – sky, very close to the black and white biparallel multiverses.

Each new young person who joined the 3R Project; he henceforth counted impressions of him weekly. These anecdotes nourished, with fresh journalistic reasons for a youthful editorial line.

The population of the Ica Region

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