ring something about some new Yokai manga! Well, of course he is! Who wouldn’t when suddenly declared as a servant… Okay, let’s just keep this up! Now that it’s come to this, I’ll do it, even if it means becoming a pervert!)

No turning back.
That’s what Shizuku Natsukawa decided to do.

“Therefore, can you give me the spot next to him, Takamine-san?”

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(Seriously, she’s a b***h…! She called the person she’s in love with a servant and then reopened her mouth!? Even I can’t hide my surprise! Well, I guess she has her own reputation to uphold, so she couldn’t confess… It’s a shame, though.
If she had been brave enough to tell him how she really felt, the game would have been over.
Rather, isn’t it me who barely escaped with my life? Well, what do I do from here…)

Mayuka Takamine kept an eye on the current situation,

(I have the advantage of being a childhood friend, so I can force Natsukawa away with, ‘I won’t allow him to be a servant!’ If I push a little harder, I could probably have lunch alone with Komori.
But will Natsukawa really back down? I can see it in her eyes.
If so, rather than forcing her away–)

–She glanced at Shota Komori.

(Tch! What the h**l have you been doing sitting around? Although there’s a reason for it, two beautiful girls are fighting over you, you know!? You should look happier than that! Or at least cut in! You’re such a mob!)

She was getting angry.
Mayuka Takamine’s veins even emerged on her forehead.

Apparently, she decided to direct her anger at him–

(I don’t like this one bit… Fine.
Let’s have a little fun.)

“I can’t allow you to mistreat Sho-chan.
I’m never going to leave this seat.
And it’s not just Natsukawa-san who made him a bento.”

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Takamine, who said this without any hesitation, pulled out a bento box from her bag for all to see.

As soon as she removed the cute wrapping cloth,

“If you want to have lunch together so badly, let’s have Sho-chan compare the taste and decide which bento he wants to eat.”

“That’s what I wish for.”

(No, don’t wish for it, Natsukawa-san!! Rather, what about my consent!? I’d rather you wished for that!)

“Ahh, my stomach is somehow–“

“”You’re not feeling sick!!””

Feeling his life in danger, Komori tried to leave the classroom with a good reason, but it was not to be.

His hands were grabbed by Natsukawa and Takamine.
They grabbed Komori’s hands so tightly that they left a handprint afterwards.

(I don’t think it’s the two of you who decide how my stomach feels!?)

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