g a clean and presentable cat.

“It doesn’t smell.”

“If you say so.”

Serika replies with a wry smile.
Then, she presses the vending machine button and takes out a cold orange juice with water droplets.

She shakes the drink in her hand to indicate the room.

“Indeed, it’s too clean here.
Even if it’s immaculate, it doesn’t mean you can conduct good research.”

The room is a large, cream-colored space that exudes cleanliness.
Long tables line the area, and many people place their food on them, chatting as they eat.
About half of them are researchers in white coats.

In other words, it’s a dining hall.

“Well, it’s been a while since my dear friend showed up.
Welcome to the Nerima Research Institute.”

Nerima Research Institute.
A facility where elites gather in the inner city.
From daily necessities to military weapons, it’s the dream of every researcher to develop and study all kinds of things… at least in theory.

It’s also the infamous Banmaden, entangled with people seeking profits, from staff members to the military.
Where money flows, the stench of greed follows.

Yet, precisely because of this, ample funds are invested, making it the dream of researchers.

With a cheerful smile, one of those researchers, Serika, responds to Karin’s awkward remark with a grin.

“Some people seem to be paying attention to us with your theatrical gestures-nya.”

Glancing around the dining hall, Karin notices several middle-aged to elderly researchers giving them glares.
Although she didn’t want to attract attention, it was inevitable.

“Don’t worry about it.
Results are everything to researchers.
I’m glad the Type 25 I created has proven useful.”

“I didn’t expect much since I heard it only provided slight power assistance-nya.
But it assists the joints a little, making movements sharper and greatly reducing fatigue-nya.
It’s surprisingly powerful-nya.”

“That’s good to hear.
Maybe I should call my workshop the Kamishiro Ironworks Zaibatsu soon.”

It’s the latest model of combat suit, one that Karin received from Serika ahead of its mass production.
Initially considered useless due to its Level 0 body enhancement, the suit has special iron threads crafted using a unique skill, which is further gets enhanced through the skill.
While it provides only a slight increase in strength, the focus on joints and similar areas significantly boosts a soldier’s mobility.
A little assistance can make a huge difference in one’s movements.

This military uniform was mocked for its low performance among the competition of combat suits with high levels.
However, it was chosen due to its mass production capability and better overall performance compared to suits that took a month to produce but had higher individual performance.

The genius girl standing before Karin is the one who devised and created this combat suit.
Her name is Kamishiro Serika.

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