e, but as you know, there has been nothing to sell from this town since those monsters appeared and disturbed the miners.」(Nei)

「I see.
So that’s what happened.」(Celine)

Celine nodded a couple of times.

「If you don’t mind, can you let us meet Bian-san tomorrow? I want to give him a letter from his business partner in Fatia.」(Celine)

「No problem! I’ll come to pick you guys up tomorrow morning then.
Is there anything else you want to ask?」(Nei)

「Hmm, let’s see… It’s not directly related to our request, but can you tell us more about the incident in the mine?」(Celine)

*gulp gulp* Mmm! This is good!」(Nei)

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As she replied to Celine, Nei took a sip of the drink I prepared earlier.
It was the fruit juice we bought in Fatia.

Sadola mine mainly produces materials for making glass, and that is the main source of income for most people here.」(Nei)

Come to think of it, most of the tableware in the dining hall was made of glass, unlike the tableware in my parent’s dining hall that was mostly made of wood.

「Actually, there are some tunnels where you can dig magic stones in the mining site, but most of the time, you can only get the ones with low quality that can only be used for making small magic tools.
Well, you can get the ones with good quality if you’re lucky.
*Gulp gulp* Mmm~」(Nei)

Nei took another sip and continued talking.

「I think you’ve heard about this from the landlady, but two months ago, the boss who manages the mine went deep into the magic stone tunnel.
When he tried to dig a good quality magic stone, the wall in front of him suddenly collapsed, and apparently, the area beyond the wall was a nest of Stone Lizards.
Ah, by the way, do you know Stone Lizards?」(Nei)

「Yeah, I know.」(Celine)

「I don’t.
Celine, can you tell me about them?」(Mark)

「They are big lizards whose staple food is stone.
Actually, they’re not that ferocious, but they will attack intruders who enter their nest.」(Celine)

They rarely go out of their nest but they are pretty aggressive against the miners, probably because they think that the mine is a part of their nest.
That’s why they always get in the way of the people who work there.」(Nei)

「I heard that the miners tried to do something with those lizards on their own.」(Celine)

「Yeah, at first.
When the wall collapsed, there were only two Stone Lizards who attacked the miners, so the miners thought that the nest wasn’t that big.
However, when the miners tried to attack the nest, they found out that the nest was bigger than they expected, so they decided to just leave this problem to the adventurer guild… *Gulp gulp* Pwaahh~!」(Nei)

When she talked to this point, Nei drank all her fruit juice.

「I’m not working in the mine, so I just told you what I heard from customers, but I think it’s pretty accurate.」(Nei)

「I see.
Thank you for telling~」(Celine)

「No problem.
Anything else?」(Nei)

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Nei looked around at us as she asked, and then we shook our heads at the same time.

「Alright, then.
I’m going home now.
I’ll come in the morning, so please wake up early, okay? See ya tomorrow!」(Nei)

Right after she said that, she quickly grabbed her bag and left the room.

「Ara~ Looks like she can’t wait to eat the skewered meat.




After Nei left, we had a chat for a while, and then Celine clapped her hands once.

「Alright, it’s time to sleep~ You guys already decided where you want to sleep, right?」(Celine)


We have four beds, one in every corner of the room, and a table and chairs in the center of the room.

Nicola, Delica and I already sat on our respective beds.

「This one is mine then~」(Celine)

When Celine sat on the unoccupied bed, the bed squeaked.

「Ughh… Am I getting fat…?」(Celine)

I looked away, pretending not to see it, and laid down on my bed.

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