her family.
If Lu Xingzhi adamantly opposed the relationship, coupled with Lu Yuqing’s current mindset that being alone was not a bad thing at all, it would be extremely difficult for Huang Chengjing to get what he wanted.

Anyhow, Jiang Yao did not want to get herself involved in it.
She would not be helping either side on their quests for love.

Lu Xingzhi returned after lunch with an extremely thrilled face.

Jiang Yao thought Lu Xingzhi was being a little over-the-top happy.
It was just a few hours ago that he was quarrelling with his superiors, after all.

“Why are you so happy?” Lu Yuqing thought it was amusing as it was not every day she got to see Lu Xingzhi with that expression.

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“The search and rescue team is leaving Rong County tomorrow.” Lu Xingzhi picked up a bottle of water and gulped down half of its content before continuing, “I get a five-day break.”

Lu Yuqing nodded and stole a glance at Jiang Yao.
That was why.

“Didn’t you say you have to go for the selection process again?” asked Jiang Yao.

“The selection at Ying County is ending early.
The folks that remain, and are top three in results gets to enter the third-round selection.
The rest is not eliminated but proceeds to the second-round selection.
As for the eliminated people, they will be returning to their respective bases.”

Lu Xingzhi smiled.
He was pleased with himself.
“I am proceeding straight to the third-round selection as the number one participant.”

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To say the selection process at Ying County was gruelling was an understatement.
Nobody slept well at all during the days and nights in the mountains.

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