
”What important matters are those? ”

”My dad said that the Triflair Celestial Sect is on the fence and wishes to remain neutral.
We have to force their hand to join our side! Otherwise the Archaion Sect will think they stand a chance, got it? ”

”I see! So, we get them involved….
But how? ”

”If they don ’t join us, they’ll be our enemies.
It just so happens that half of their disciples are here.
So let ’s kill them and let their sect master understand that they stand to lose even more if they keep dallying. ”

”But if we do that, we might offend them and they won’t join us all the same. ”

”Offend them? When our Quadform Seagod ascended, we almost wiped them out once.
The grudge is already there.
Not to mention, our divine realm is quite far from theirs.
They ’d have to cross a few others to reach where we are.
Back then, my dad attended a meeting with those from Nonahall and the other sects.
The other sects hinted that we should deal with them.
As we’re the weakest in the alliance, we have no choice but to lead the way. ”

However, do we kill Beigong Mengmeng as well? ”

”Of course.
Beauties are only beautiful if they ’re alive.
When they ’re dead and rotting, they ’re the same as the others.
There ’s no point being sentimental about it. ” Long Xiaofan smirked.
After the twenty-five of them scouted the situation out, they immediately encircled the defenders.


Back at the Dimensional Battlefield, the Quadform and Triflair sects were seated right next to each other.
They could clearly see one another and the tension between them was boiling to its peak.

”Sect Master, Dongfang Yu brought half the disciples away and they’re at the fourth level of the Nether Battlefield.
The disciples of the Quadform Sea Sect didn ’t even care about finding their hell tree and went looking for the Archaion Sect, but they ran into our disciples first.
They have ten more people attacking than we have defending the tree… ”

Only one of the three sect masters of Triflair was here to watch the summit.
She was Beigong Linlan, Jian Wuyi ’s wife—also known as the Coral Fairy.
The sect had three who bore the title of fairy, and she was naturally a beauty.
Like Beigong Qianyu, she was beautiful and had a mature allure.

Beigong Linlan was furrowing her brows even without needing to hear that report.
There were many crooks in the world, and the Quadform Seadragon Clan was among the most famous of them.
There was no line they wouldn ’t cross, and thanks to that, they had earned the sobriquet of the Dogs of the Sea.
Using all kinds of underhanded tactics, they were able to face off against many powers and survive to this day.

Beigong Linlan was all too aware of what they would be up to.
As for the other two fairies, they didn ’t dare to come to the Archaion Sect, leaving her to face this huge pressure alone.
Now, she was the one the five allied sects had to take down.
Once the Triflair Celestial Sect caved to the pressure, the Pentaphase Earth Sect and Octagram Heart Sect would as well.

”This will be troublesome… ” Beigong Linlan sighed.
Their luck was just bad.

”Coral Fairy, make up your mind soon, or something like this will just keep on happening, ” someone said from her right.
He was the sect master of the Quadform Sea Sect, Long Cangyuan.
He was slender, handsome, and charismatic.
The Quadform Divine Realm was ruled by an empire, and the sect master was the emperor.
Their organization was basically an analogue of the Theocracy of the Ancients.
”I already asked Xiaofan to play nice with the disciples of your sect, but young folk are often jumpy and reckless.
I hope you’ll forgive their childish mistake.
Though, I should warn you that such things will become an inevitability so long as you keep wavering.
Naturally, I hope you understand this isn’t personal.
This wasn’t our intention, but that of Nonahall, Hexapath, Biritual, and Heptastar.
Don ’t hate the player, hate the game. ”

The elites of the Quadform Sea Sect laughed after his ’sincere ’ declaration and Beigong Linlan ’s expression turned grim.
The battle was already beginning and the Quadform disciples weren’t holding back at all.
With the strongest Triflair disciples elsewhere, nobody could stop Long Xiaofan, a fourth-level death samsaran. 

Their fates were sealed.

”Sect Master…. ”

Beigong Linlan closed her eyes.
Some things she just couldn ’t bear to witness, and this was definitely one of them.
She felt endlessly perturbed.
As it began devolving into chaos….

”Sect Master! ” someone called out.

”What is it? ” she asked.

”Someone ’s helping! It ’s Li Tianming from the Archaion Sect! ”

Beigong Linlan turned to look and saw a white-haired youth beside the hell tree.

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