“Chapter 299: Ralph is Alive”

– This is some terrible timing.


Just when I found two people that I could cooperate with to escape this hell.


As if that wasn’t enough, this dark jerk is at least three times bigger than the one I took out.


However, I realized during the last battle that the snakes have a weak spot.
A nerve behind their discharge organ on their forehead.


I don’t have the combat prowess to aim at its vital point while evading its attacks.


I need help.
Someone who can draw its attention while I finish it off.


【G I !】


Without waiting for me to act, the dark jerk sent a current of electricity towards me.


I managed to dodge it in the nick of time.
It gave me enough time to hide back in the grass.


I looked behind the snake.
Deko and Mira were keeping their distance.


They must’ve realized how dangerous my situation was.


Still, I need their help.


【G G G ! !】


– I’m gonna need you to stay down for a bit.


As the dark jerk opened its mouth, I flung one of my flasks at it.


【G ! ?】


It was a sort of poison made to work as tear gas.
It’s the best I could improvise in a rush, so it’ll only stop it for a few seconds.


I dashed towards Deko and Mira, who were trying to escape themselves.


– Deko-san! Mira-san!


Their bodies tensed.


So I was right.
It’s them.


The young man with glasses is Deko, and the woman with a long red-haired ponytail is Mira.


– How do you…? Were you eavesdropping on us? (Deko)


– I understand you’re in trouble, but… (Mira)


They have no intention of helping me.
They just want to run away.


To them, I’m just a stranger.
They’ve been living in here for a decade, so they must know how dangerous dark jerks are.


They want to stay away from them.


I have to get them involved.
I have to catch their interest.


【G I G U G ! !】


– I’m sorry, we have to go.
Even if you’re not a bad person, we don’t want to die.


The dark jerk was clearly aiming for only one person.


Just as they were about to start running away-


– Ralph is alive!


– …What!? (D/M)

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