42nd Meal

Pest Control and Clean-Up Part 2

That’s the name of the pest that everyone fears.

It is notable for its extraordinary vitality, in addition to its eerie appearance with its shiny black body surface and long antennae.
According to what I've heard, even if its neck and torso are severed, it will live with only one head, and its final cause of death is “Starvation” due to a lack of food and water.
I'm not sure if this is true, but the fact that such an outrageous story is “Possible” demonstrates their extraordinary endurance.

Like coelacanths and cycads, they are “Living Fossils” that have survived to the present without changing their appearance for hundreds of millions of years.
Yes, they must have reigned as the rulers of the earth's shadows long before humans began to dominate the earth—!

“…So, how did Ruler of Shadow-kun get in your place…?”

“That’s what I want to know too~~!”

Mahiru, who was hiding behind my back and clutching the hem of my clothes when I asked this question while standing in front of the door to Utatane Heights Room No.
205, screamed with tears in her eyes.

Well “C”—If I say “Cockroach” Mahiru would freak out so I would call it that for now—is the type of bug that will spring up anywhere as long as there’s a crack in the ground.
So it is not surprising that they appeared in Mahiru’s room.

“Let’s see…I’ll go in then, but…I-Is it really all right with you?”

“Uuuu…Y-Yes, it’s fine…!”

No matter how much Mahiru, there's no way she wouldn't have any resistance to bringing a male me into her place.
But it would be even more absurd to ask her to fight “G” one on one…Honestly, I’m also scared to enter her room for various reasons…but…

“I-I'm sorry, Onii-san, for asking you to do this…I-I'm just not very good with bugs….”


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…Isn't it unfair to look up at me with wet eyes like that?

Taking a deep breath in her mind, I made up my mind and turn the doorknob of the front door of her room.

The structure of the inside itself is almost the same as ours.
The kitchen is just inside the front door, and a sliding door that leads to the bathroom is on the back side of the kitchen when you stand in it.
Then there’s a room at the end of the hallway.

However, there are numerous differences between our rooms.

First and foremost, there is the smell.
The shoe box just inside the front door has an air freshener.
Unlike the rough deodorizing charcoal in my kitchen, the citrusy scent that comes out softly makes a very nice impression.

The next thing that catches the eye is the kitchen, which is surprisingly empty.
There are almost no spice jars or dishes, and even the stove top is empty.
There’s a small refrigerator, but there is no microwave, rice cooker, or toaster on top of it.

It's more like a washroom than a kitchen.
I know it's too late to say this, but she really couldn't cook or do anything before she met me…

What caught my attention more than anything else was the room I saw through the door of the back room, which was left open, probably because she had fled to my room in a panic after encountering “C.”


I was stunned, because—What I saw was a messy room with a large number of clothes scattered all over the floor, with no place to step.

…I understand now.
Compared to this room, my room is probably very tidy.

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